Faculty and Staff

Picture of Nora Aboali
Nora Aboali

Doctoral Lecturer

Kathryn Struthers Ahmed
Kathryn Struthers Ahmed

Assistant Professor of Childhood Literacy Education

Photo of Marcus Artigliere
Marcus Artigliere

Clinical Lecturer

Picture of Markus P. Bidell
Markus P. Bidell

Associate Professor

Picture of Jamie Bleiweiss
Jamie Bleiweiss

Assistant Professor Early Childhood Special Education

Photo of Rhonda Suzanne Bondie
Rhonda Bondie

Associate Professor, Special Education, Director of Hunter College Learning Lab

Picture of Morgan Bondy
Morgan Bondy

Assistant Director, Office of Partnership Programs

Sarah M. Bonner
Sarah M. Bonner

Professor, Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs

Melissa Boronkas
Melissa Boronkas

Assistant Dean for Enrollment, Academic & Student Affairs

Photo of L. Beth Brady
L. Beth Brady

Assistant Professor, Program Leader of the Blind/Visual Impairments and Severe/Multiple Disabilities Programs

Photo of Carmen Brown
Carmen Brown

Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education

Photo of Nadine Bryce
Nadine Bryce

Associate Professor of Literacy

Picture of Tamara R. Buckley
Tamara R. Buckley

Associate Professor of Counseling and Psychology

Photo of Maria Mavrides Calderon
Maria Mavrides Calderon

Assistant Professor, Student Teaching and Field Experiences Coordinator

Picture of Elizabeth Da Silva Cardoso
Elizabeth Da Silva Cardoso

Professor of Counseling, Chair of the Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs

Photo of Jenny M. Castillo
Jenny M. Castillo

Associate Professor of Teaching in Languages Other Than English

Picture of Marie Castro
Marie Castro

Assistant to the Dean

Picture of Peggy P. Chen
Peggy P. Chen

Professor of Educational Psychology; Chair of the Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs

Jen Yung-Chen Chiu
Jen Yung-Chen Chiu

Assistant Professor of Counseling

Photo of Brian Collins
Brian Collins

Associate Professor of Bilingual Education

Cathleen Collins
Cathleen Collins

Assistant Dean for External Affairs and Administration

Photo of Dr. Amanda Crowell, 2022 recipient of the Harold S. Ladas Award
Amanda Crowell

Doctoral Lecturer

Steve DeMeo
Stephen DeMeo

Professor of Science Education

Picture of Julissa A. Diloné
Julissa A. Diloné

Clinical Placement Specialist

Picture of Hadeel Elder
Hadeel Elder

Doctoral Lecturer

Picture of Timothy Farnsworth
Timothy Farnsworth

Associate Professor, Chair of Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Alexander Feitzer
Alexander W. Fietzer

Associate Professor

Picture of Olivier Fluchaire
Olivier Fluchaire

Substitute Distinguished Lecturer, Director of the Graduate Music Education Program

Picture of Ana Nery Fragoso
Ana Nery Fragoso

Director of the Arnhold Graduate Dance Education Program

Morgan Friedman smiling
Morgan Friedman

Doctoral Lecturer

Picture of Cara Elizabeth Furman
Cara Elizabeth Furman

Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education

Picture of Jonathan Gaines
Jonathan Gaines

NYC Men Teach Program Manager

Picture of Elaine Gale
Elaine Gale

Associate Professor; Program Leader Deaf and Hard of Hearing Programs

Picture of Frank Gardella
Frank Gardella

Associate Professor in Mathematics

Picture of Kate Garnett
Kate Garnett

Professor of Special Education/Learning Disabilities

photo of Marshall George
Marshall George

Olshan Professor of Clinical Practice; Director of EdD Program in instructional Leadership; Acting Senior Associate Dean

Photo of Sherryl B. Graves
Sherryl Browne Graves

Professor of Educational Foundations

Kiersten Greene
Kiersten Greene

Associate Professor

Picture of Virginia Gryta
Virginia Gryta

Lecturer, Program Coordinator for Childhood Multiple Disabilities and Advisor for Multiple Disabilities, Advisor for Learning Disabilities Childhood Special Education - Dual Certification (students last name P through Z)

Picture of Robert Gyles
Robert Gyles

Professor of Mathematics Education

Picture of Julianne Hallett
Julianne Hallett

Certification, Graduation and Administrative Advisor

Image of Mutaz Hamed
Mutaz Hamed

Educational Technologist, Frankfort Center for Learning and Scholarly Technologies

Picture of Elizabeth Harrison
Elizabeth Harrison

Clinical Placement Specialist

Photo of Alissa Herbert
Alissa Herbert

Certification and Graduation Advisor, Administrative Coordinator

Picture of Nikki Hertz
Nikki Hertz

Clinical Placement Specialist

Kenneth A. Hirschman
Kenny Hirschmann

Manager, Frankfort Center for Learning and Scholarly Technologies

Kristen Hodnett
Kristen L. Hodnett

Clinical Professor of Special Education

Photo of Yang Hu
Yang Hu

Associate Professor of Literacy Education

Melissa Jackson
Melissa Jackson

Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Development and Learning: Diverse Children and Families Program (ECDL)

Photo of Genevieve Joseph
Genevieve Joseph

Administrative Assistant, Department of Curriculum and Teaching

John Keegan
John P. Keegan

Associate Professor

Picture of Bonnie Keilty
Bonnie Keilty


Picture of Mario Antonio Kelly
Mario Antonio Kelly

Associate Professor

April Kisamore
April N. Kisamore

Chair of Special Education; Associate Professor; Director of Programs in Applied Behavior Analysis; Acting Chair of Special Eduction; Licensed Behavior Analyst in NY; BCBA Certified Behavior Analyst

Photo of Elizabeth Klein
Elizabeth Klein

Clinical Professor - Program Leader Teaching Fellows D75

Photo of Jennifer Tressa Klein
Jennifer Tressa Klein

Lecturer of Special Education and Learning Disabilities

Picture of Michelle Lask
Michelle Lask

Clinical Coordinator of Fieldwork Placements

Picture of Gess LeBlanc
Gess LeBlanc

Associate Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology

Picture of Chris X. Leung
Chris X. Leung

Office Manager and Academic Technology Specialist, Department of Special Education

Picture of Karen Lew
Karen Lew

Program Manager Office of Partnership Programs

Picture of Fredericka G. Liggins
Fredericka G. Liggins

Doctoral Lecturer

Photo of Valerie Lyons
Valerie J. Lyons

Assistant Director for Student Affairs, Office of Academic and Student Affairs

Nora McCormick
Nora McCormick

Administrative Advisor

Picture of Thomas McIntyre
Thomas McIntyre

Professor of Special Education, Program Leader - Behavior Disorders

Photo of Jade Young Michaels
Jade Young Michaels

Assistant to the Chair, Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Picture of Veronica Muller
Veronica Muller

Associate Professor

photo of GoEun Na
GoEun Na

Assistant Professor of Counseling

Photo of Robin O'Leary
Robin O'Leary

Clinical Placement Specialist for Childhood Education

Brandon Paltoo
Brandon Paltoo

Administrative Coordinator, Department of Special Education

Picture of Nell Scharff Panero
Nell Scharff Panero

Associate Professor

Jeneca Parker
Jeneca Parker-Tongue

Distinguished Lecturer and Director of the Collaborative for Social Emotional Learning and Leading (C-SELL)

Photo of Alfonso Pérez
Alfonso Pérez

Clinical Professor, Bilingual Education Program

Photo of Lacey Peters
Lacey Peters

Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Care and Education

Picture of Anthony Picciano
Anthony Picciano

Professor of Administration and Supervision, Instructional Leadership

Photo of Nicora Placa
Nicora Placa

Assistant Professor

Jody Polleck
Jody Polleck

Professor and Program Leader for Literacy

Picture of Jason Riffaterre
Jason Riffaterre

Assistant Director for Academic Affairs

Photo of Gina Riley
Gina Riley

Program Leader, Adolescent Generalist (Grades 7-12) Special Education Program

Rosa Rivera-McCutchen
Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen

Professor of Administration & Supervision, Instructional Leadership

photo of Dennis Robbins
Dennis M. Robbins

Associate Professor of Science Education

Picture of Kenney Robinson
Kenney Robinson

Director of Career, Professional and Partnership Development

Picture of Ashley Rolon-Marlowe
Ashley Rolon-Marlowe

Director of Admissions

Photo of Christine Rosalia
Christine Rosalia

Associate Professor of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Salvador Ruiz smiling
Salvador "Sal" Ruiz

Doctoral Lecturer

Photo of Jennifer Flores Samson
Jennifer Flores Samson

Associate Professor Bilingual Special Education

Maite Sánchez
Maite (María Teresa) Sánchez

Assistant Professor of Bilingual Education

Picture of Melissa Schieble
Melissa Schieble

Professor of English Education

photo of Lauren K. Schnell
Lauren K. Schnell-Peskin

Assistant Professor, Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral

Claudine Schwartz
Claudine Schwartz

One Stop Coordinator

Picture of Chris Scott
Chris Scott

Director of Institutional Research

Picture of Erin Shay
Erin Shay

Director, Office of Partnership Programs

Photo of Kathryn Furlong Silverio
Kathryn Furlong Silverio

Program Clinical Professor, Learning Disabilities Program

Picture of Debbie Sonu
Debbie Sonu

Professor of Education

John Sorrentino
John Sorrentino

Chief of Staff, Office of the Dean

Photo of Bettye Steinberg
Bettye Steinberg

Executive Assistant to the Dean for Administration

Photo of Jennifer Terpak
Jennifer Terpak

OASA Coordinator

Picture of Flavia Tomori
Flavia Tomori

Assistant Director, Office of Partnership Programs

Edgar Troudt
Edgar Troudt

Distinguished Lecturer and Director of Programs in Computer Science Education, Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Picture of Jennifer Tuten
Jennifer Tuten

Acting Dean

Photo of Raie Valdez
Raie Valdez

Administrative Assistant, Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs

Photo of Bonnie M. Veronico
Bonnie M. Veronico

Certification Officer and Administrative Advisor

Photo of Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides
Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides

Assistant Professor, Special Education

Picture of Jeanne Weiler
Jeanne Weiler

Associate Professor of Educational Foundations

photo of Jason Wirtz
Jason Wirtz

Associate Professor of English Education, Program Leader Adolescent English Education

Maverick Zhang
Maverick Yunqiang Zhang

Doctoral Lecturer