Robin O’Leary

Photo of Robin O'Leary

Clinical Placement Specialist for Childhood Education
email for appointment

After a successful career on the stage, Robin attended Hunter College and received a masters degree in Early Childhood Education. From there, Robin worked as a classroom teacher and director within New York City’s high-needs Community Based Early Childcare Centers. Robin earned her PhD in Educational Psychology from the CUNY Graduate Center in 2017 with a concentration in Learning, Development and Instruction. In addition to her work at Hunter College, Robin has served as a consultant and speaker for the NYC Department of Education, Reading Rescue and an adjunct assistant professor at Teachers College.

  • PhD Educational Psychology, CUNY Graduate Center
  • MPhil Educational Psychology, CUNY Graduate Center
  • MSEd Early Childhood Education, Hunter College

Early Childhood Development, Language and Literacy, birth – K and K – 2nd grade.


Teaching reading, emergent literacy, phonemic awareness and segmentation.

  • Ehri, L. C., O’Leary, R (2022). Ensinar letras e consciência fonêmica como habilidades fundamentais ajuda as crianças de 4 e 5 anos a avançarem na leitura. In R. A. Sargiani (Ed.). Alfabetização baseada em evidências: da ciência à sala de aula. Porto Alegre, RS: Editora Penso.
  • O’Leary, R., & Ehri, L. C. (2020). Orthography facilitates memory for proper names in emergent readers. Reading Research Quarterly, 55(1) 75-93.
  • O’Leary, R., & Hoover, N. L. (2015) Reading Rescue’s Research Base: A Review of Scientific Studies Supporting Assessments and Lesson Components and Research Documenting the Model’s Effectiveness in Inner City, High Poverty Schools. The Benedict A. Silverman Foundation.
  • Jeanne S. Chall Research Fellowship, International Literacy Association, 2014