Imani Irving Perez

Photo of Imani Perez

Doctoral Lecturer and Faculty Clinical Experiences Coordinator, Early Childhood Development and Learning Program
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 5 to 6:30 pm

Imani Irving Perez has dedicated over 20 years to the field of early childhood and special education. Currently, Dr. Irving-Perez serves as the faculty clinical experiences coordinator and lecturer in the Early Childhood Special Education program. She began her career as a preschool teaching assistant, teacher, and later, teacher-director at Amy’s Preschool and Playgroup, in Brooklyn, NY. Over the years, she has worked as early interventionist for young children and families. Dr. Irving-Perez has also served as a second-grade and third-grade teacher at the Brooklyn Charter School, an elementary school assistant principal at Success Academy Charter Schools Network, and a special education preschool director for the Research Foundation for the State University of New York-Downstate. Before becoming a full-time Lecturer, Dr. Irving worked as an adjunct lecturer in several universities in New York City.

  • Ph.D, St. John’s University, Literacy
  • Ms.Ed, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, Educational Leadership
  • M.A, Teachers College, Columbia University, Early Childhood General and Special Education
  • B.A, Agnes Scott College, Africana Studies
  • SPEDE 774: Adaptations for Individual Learners Across the K-2 Curriculum
  • SPEDE 776: Introductory Field Experience in Early Childhood Special Education
  • SPEDE 768: Fostering Development in Young Children with Diverse Abilities: Historical, Political and Inclusive Perspectives
  • SPEDE 770: Individualized Planning, Implementation and Progress Monitoring in Early Childhood (Birth through PreK) Environments and Curricula
  • SPEDE 778.00 Student Teaching in Early Childhood Special Education
  • SPEDE 778.10/779.10: Initial Student Teaching and Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education

Research interests include: Developing Evidence-Based Practices and Interventions to Serve Children with Dysgraphia and Improve Writing Instruction, Critical Literacy in Early Childhood, Early Literacy, Teacher Development, New Literacies Studies, Black Male Literacy, Afrocentric Research Methodologies, Artificial Intelligence and Special Education, Early Childhood Eco-ethical Curriculum Studies

  • Faculty Associate, NYS DDPC: Early Childhood Curriculum. Grant Title: Creating a Decision-Making Curriculum for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in K-12th grade (2022 – 2026).
  • Program Creator & Facilitator, NYC Mens Teach Education Exploration Summer Institute Grant Title: The EduPreneur Summer Workshop Series (May 2023 – August 2023)
  • Faculty Participant, CUNY Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE), (June 2023-August 2023)