Melissa Schieble
Professor of English Education
Melissa Schieble is a Professor at Hunter College in the English Education program and at The Graduate Center in Urban Education. She taught middle and high school English prior to joining the faculty at Hunter College in 2009 and has worked in teacher education internationally.
- Ph.D. (2009) Curriculum and Instruction (Literacy Studies) University of Wisconsin-Madison
- M.S. (2005) Curriculum and Instruction (Literacy Studies) University of Wisconsin-Madison
- B.S. (2001) Secondary English Education University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor Schieble teaches courses on methods of teaching English, young adult literature, and courses related to language, literacy, and culture in the School of Education at Hunter College. She also teaches courses in the Ed.D. in Instructional Leadership program at Hunter College that focus on sociocultural and critical theories of literacy and language learning and qualitative methodologies.
Melissa Schieble’s research examines discourses about race, class, gender, sexuality and disability in literature for youth and in classroom dialogue. Her scholarship has made a contribution to knowledge about teaching critical multicultural literature as transformative and liberatory practice in English education. Her work has also demonstrated how critical discourse analysis methodologies support teachers to facilitate critical conversations in ELA classrooms. Schieble is currently Co-PI on the grant, “Exploring ‘local backup’ for schools targeted by the anti-CRT ‘Conflict Campaigns'” funded by the Spencer Foundation. This project seeks to understand the language and discourse processes enacted in a school and community to sustain equity and anti-racist education in the current polarized sociopolitical context.
Professor Schieble has received several awards for her scholarship, including the 2021 ELATE James N. Britton Award for the article, “Promoting empathetic reading with Between Shades of Gray through a global blogging project” and the Divergent Book Award for Excellence in 21st Century Literacies Research for Classroom Talk for Social Change (Teachers College Press). She is a regular presenter at annual conferences for the National Council of Teachers of English, Literacy Research Association and the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
- Schieble, M., Vetter, A., & Martin, K.M. (2020). Classroom talk for social change: Critical conversations in English language arts. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
- Vetter, A., & Schieble, M.B. (2016). Observing teacher identities through video analysis: Implications and practice. New York: Routledge.
Refereed Articles
- Connor, D.J., & Schieble, M. (forthcoming, 2024). Embodying Tourette Syndrome in young adult literature: Exploring contemporary portrayals and the lingering legacy of freakery. Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 18(4), 1-17.
- Schieble, M., Vetter, A., & Martin, K.M. (2023). Shifting language ideologies and pedagogies to be anti-racist: A reconstructive discourse analysis of one ELA teacher inquiry group. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 22(1), 96-111.
- Vetter, A., Schieble, M., & Martin, K.M. (2022). Examining silences in an English teacher inquiry group focused on critical conversations: A facilitator’s reflexive analysis. Linguistics and Education, 68, 1-14.
- Schieble, M., Vetter, A., & Martin, K.M. (2021). Critical listening for critical conversations. English Journal, 111(2), 71-77.
- Schieble, M., & Polleck, J. (2021). The opportunities and constraints of a virtual field experience during a global pandemic for ELA teacher candidates’ learning about culturally sustaining pedagogy. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education.
- Vetter, A., Schieble, M., & Martin, K.M. (2020). Critical talk moves in critical conversations: Examining power and privilege in an English language arts classroom. English in Education, DOI: 10.1080/04250494.2020.1848351
- Schieble, M., & Kucinskiene, L. (2019). Promoting empathetic reading with Between Shades of Gray through a global blogging project. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 63(3), 269-277.
- Epstein, S.E., & Schieble, M. (2019). Exploring racial literacy when teaching “other people’s children.” Whiteness and Education, 4(2), 109-127.
- Vetter, A. Schieble, M., & Meacham, M. (2018). Critical conversations in English education: Discursive strategies for examining how teacher and student identities shape classroom discourse. English Education, 50(3), 255-282.
- Schieble, M.B. (2014). Reframing equity under common core: A commentary on the text exemplar list for grades 9-12. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 13(1), 155-168.
- Schieble, M. (2014). Reading images in American Born Chinese through critical visual literacy. English Journal, 103(5), 47-52.
- Vetter, A., Meacham, M., & Schieble, M.B. (2013). Level(ing) the field: Negotiating positions of power as a preservice teacher. Action in Teacher Education, 35, 230-251.
- Baecher, L., Schieble, M.B., Rosalia, C., & Rorimer, S. (2013). Blogging for academic purposes with English language learners: An online fieldwork initiative. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 13(1), 1-21.
- Schieble, M.B. (2012). Critical conversations on whiteness with young adult literature. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 56(3), 212-221.
- Hallman, H. & Schieble, M.B. (2012). Dimensions of young adult literature: Moving into ‘New Times’. ALAN Review, Winter Issue, 33-38.
- Schieble, M.B. (2012). A critical discourse analysis of teachers’ views on LGBT literature. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 33(2), 207-222.
- Schieble, M.B. (2011). A case for interruption in the virtual English classroom with the graphic novel American Born Chinese. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 34(2), 202-218.
- Schieble, M.B. (2010). Reading between the lines of reader response: Constructing ‘the Other’ through the aesthetic stance. Changing English, 17(4), 375-384.
- Schieble, M.B. (2010). The not so digital divide: Bringing preservice English teachers’ media literacies into practice. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 2(2), 102-112.
- Gomez, M.L., Schieble, M.B., Curwood, J.S., & Hassett, D.D. (2010). Technology, learning, and instruction: Distributed cognition in the secondary English classroom. Literacy, 44(1), 20-27.
- Hassett, D.D. & Schieble, M.B. (2007). Finding space and time for the visual in K-12 literacy instruction. English Journal, 97(1), 62-68.
Book Chapters
- Vetter, A., & Schieble, M. (2020). Approaches to discourse analysis in language and literacy research. In N. Duke & M. Mallette (Eds.), Literacy Research Methodologies (3rd ed.) (pp. 121-140). Guilford Press.
- Vetter, A., Schieble, M., Martin, K.M., & Rodriguez, T. (2020). A framework for critical conversations as social justice pedagogy in ELA classrooms. In B. Asmus & C. Gonzalez (Eds.), Teaching toward social justice: Critical pedagogies from the commission on social justice in teacher education. Peter Lang.
- Vetter, A., & Schieble, M. (2019). Exploring tensions during critical conversations about race in English education. In H. Hallman, K. Pastore-Capuana, & D. Pasternak (Eds.), Methods into practice: New visions in teaching the English language arts methods class (pp. 37-52). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Schieble, M., & Polleck, J. (2017). Addressing LGBTQ-themed texts and heteronormativity in English education. In H. Hallman (Ed.), Innovations in English teacher preparation (pp. 165-183). United Kingdom: Emerald Publishers.
- Baecher, L., & Schieble, M. (2016). English language learners’ pedagogy in the English methods class: Collaborative planning as a component of preservice teacher preparation. In L. de Oliveira & M. Shoffner (Eds.), Teaching English language arts to English language learners: Preparing pre-service and in-service teachers (pp. 35-59). New York: Palgrave Macmillon.
- Vetter, A., Schieble, M., & Meacham, M. (2015). Critical conversations in teacher education: Using video analysis to discuss the identity positions of preservice teachers. In P. Ruggiano Schmidt & A. Lazar (Eds.), Reconceptualizing literacy in the age of multiculturalism and pluralism (pp. 403-424). Information Age Publishing.
- Schieble, M.B. (2012). A dark cloud on the US horizon? A teacher’s experience in England is a cautionary tale. In W. Au & M. Bollow Tempel (Eds.), Pencils down: Rethinking testing and accountability in schools. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
- Schieble, M., Clemons, A., Hikida, M., Taylor, L., & Vetter, A. (2023). Exploring “local backup” for schools targeted by the anti-CRT “conflict campaigns”. Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant. $50,000.
- Schieble, M. , & Vetter, A. (2017). Using discourse analysis to facilitate critical conversations in the English classroom. Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant. $32,800.