Recognizing Scholarly Achievements of Our Faculty for Fall 2024
The School of Education is delighted to highlight the scholarly accomplishments of our faculty members for the Fall 2024 semester. There is much to be celebrated from grants and awards received, books and articles published, presentations given, and conferences organized.
We welcome you to view the impressive list of works of our School of Education faculty.
Grants and Awards
Rhonda Bondie
- Special Education Advanced Certification for Practicing Teachers (SpEd-ACT) – Special Education Advanced Certificate for Practicing Teachers (SPED-ACT) is a partnership with Math for America, Urban Assembly, and the Talented and Gifted School to provide 80 diverse practicing teacher scholars with a fully funded school-based clinically-rich P-12 advanced certificate program. Federally funded through a five-year $1.2 million Office of Special Education OSEP grant, SPED-ACT develops teacher capacities to implement evidence-based teaching and interventions that provide cognitive, motivational, and culturally relevant support to P-12 students in inclusive settings.
- Project Freedom – Project Freedom: Deeper Learning and Literacy through Teaching with Primary Sources is a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources grant that aims to ensure teacher educators and novice teachers become Library of Congress patrons who confidently use primary sources to nurture P-12 students literacy skills and deeper learning from their first day in the classroom.
- Rhonda Bondie, Kenny Hirschman, Kiersten Greene: Computer Integrated Teacher Education (CUNY CITE). The entire Hunter faculty will continue their engagement with the CITE grant program by developing program learning goals and furthering technology skills and collaborations through summer camps. Hunter faculty and students have collaborated to explore how computational thinking, digital literacies, and culturally relevant education are taught throughout our programs. See our dynamic curriculum maps here developed to analyze how technology is used and taught across courses throughout our programs –
Elizabeth Klein
- Full Scholarship to Sarah Lawrence Writing Institute – Creative Writing Poetry focus – Summer semester 2024
- Working Title: Teaching the Adult Learner – Structured Literacy, Supported Writing and Executive Functioning. This grant is to develop a program for teacher candidates to be trained in teacher the adult learner with reading disabilities. The funding source is CUNY RFP to Advance the Science of Reading and Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (funding amount granted and f $26,000).
Anthony Picciano
- Since 2014, I have been a senior research adviser to colleagues (Claire Wladis, Katherine Conway, Alyse Hachey, and Catherine Manley) at Borough Manhattan Community College and the CUNY Graduate Center for a series of grants related to students with special needs in STEM courses delivered via online learning. I have been associated with the research development and dissemination aspects of these grants. We have just received a new award from NSF.
- National Science Foundation. (2024-2029). Recentering the experiences of STEM majors with dis/abilities in college: Investigating systemic factors that enable/disable students from obtaining formal & informal accommodation. (Award: $2,251,904.00.)
- Since 2014, I have been a senior research adviser to colleagues (Claire Wladis, Katherine Conway, Alyse Hachey, and Catherine Manley) at Borough Manhattan Community College and the CUNY Graduate Center for a series of grants related to students with special needs in STEM courses delivered via online learning. I have been associated with the research development and dissemination aspects of these grants. We have just received a new award from NSF.
Gina Riley
- New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (NYS DDPC). (2022 – 2028). Grant Title: Creating a Decision-Making Curriculum for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) in K-12th grade. 2nd year renewal ($200,000 per year for 4 years – $800,000 total).
- CUNY Online (2024 – 2025). All Grades Special Education Online Development Grant – Asynchronous P – 12 SPED M.S.Ed. Program ($45,290).
Debbie Sonu
- Debbie Sonu was awarded the 2024 Louis Kampf Memorial Fellowship by Radical Teacher Magazine. This grant promotes and amplifies projects that center “radical pedagogy and/or other radical educational activity.” Funds will be used to support social studies instructors at Hunter College as they prepare beginning elementary school teachers to address issues of racial capitalism and economic inequality with young children.
- Debbie Sonu was awarded the Louis Kampf Radical Teacher Fellowship Award from the Center for Critical Education for her project entitled, “Cultivating Class Consciousness with Children: The Work of Pre-Service Teachers on Teaching Economic Inequality.”
Catherine Voulgarides
- Co- Principal Investigator. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Doctoral Training Grant. ($3.6 million). Dr. Natasha Strassfeld, The University of Texas-Austin (PI); Dr. Lauren Hampton, (Co-PI), The University of Texas-Austin; Kathleen Zimmerman, University of Kansas (Co-PI). Preparing Early Childhood Special Education Researchers for Diverse Settings (Project EARLY).
- Principal Investigator (PI). Systems, Policy, and Finance; National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER); Institute of Education Sciences (IES). ($1.7 million) Dr. Rebecca Cruz, Johns Hopkins University (Co-PI); Dr. Natasha Strassfeld, The University of Texas-Austin (Co-PI); Dr. Alexandra Aylward, University of Nevada, Reno (Co-PI). A Mixed Methods Comparative Exploration of IDEA Racial Equity Policy to Inform Research, Policy, and Practice.
- “A Comparative Exploration of IDEA Racial Equity Policy to Inform Research, Policy, and Practice” is a four-year initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences. Focusing on California, New York, Washington, and Wisconsin, the research aims to address racial disproportionality in special education and exclusionary discipline practices. By analyzing how current policies are understood and implemented by various stakeholders and affect racialized and minoritized students, the study seeks to uncover the structural, social, and contextual factors driving inequities and provide insights to improve educational outcomes for historically underserved learners with disabilities. The findings will inform future research and policy changes to promote more equitable education systems.
Frank Gardella
- The Human Side of Teaching. 2023 New York: Rowman & Littlefield
- Using Base 10 Materials to Teach Addition and Subtraction. 2024 Dubuque: Innovative Ink Publishing
- Using Base 10 Materials to Teach Multiplication and Division. 2024 Dubuque: Innovative Ink Publishers
Anthony Picciano
- Picciano, A.G. (2024). Is Online Technology the Hope in Uncertain Times for Higher Education? Basel, Switzerland: Education Sciences. (Published: August 2024)
- Moskal, P., Dziuban, C., & Picciano, A.G (2024). Data Analytics and Adaptive Learning: Research Perspectives. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, Publishers. (Published: January 2024)
Nancy Sall
- Sall, N., Rikhye, C. H., Newsum, D. C., & Hoda, S. J. (2025). Sharing perspectives for educating young children with disabilities: Developing family and professional partnerships. Routledge.
Book Chapters
Frank Gardella
- co-authors: Akia Goudy, (Hunter Grad/Adjunct) Lauren Gurdus, (Hunter Adjunct), Robert Gyles,(Hunter Professor) and Caroline Rivas (Hunter Grad.) BOUNDARY-SPANNING IN SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS Chapter in BOUNDARY-SPANNING TO SUPPORT TEACHERS. Publisher: Information Age Publishing, 2024
Marshall George
- Ho Sang, F.R., George, M.A., & Deckman, S. L. (2024). Mentoring in color: The journey of one Black doctoral candidate and her mentors from problem of practice to dissertation and beyond. In Budhai, S.S. & Hill, D. The Impact of the Scholarly Practitioner Doctorate: Developing Socially-Just Leaders to Make Equitable Change. Myers Education Press. 179-224.
Anthony Picciano
- Picciano, A. (2024). Der bildungsindustrielle Komplex auf dem Weg zur Globalisierung. In V. Dander, N. Grünberger, H. Niesyto, & H. Pohlmann (Hrsg.), Bildung und Digitaler Kapitalismus (S. 77–90). kopaed. English translation of the chapter: The education-industrial complex going global. English translation of the book: Education and Digital Capitalism.
Jamie Bleiweiss
- Bleiweiss, J. L. & Sall, N. (2025). Setting the foundation: Social communication interventions for serve & return and joint attention. Teaching Exceptional Children. [Manuscript under review].
Tamara Buckley
Jen Yung-Chen Chiu
- Liu, Y., Chiu, Y.-C. J., Guennouni, N., & Conyers, L. M. (2024). Career Development of College Students With Disabilities: A Scoping Review. Journal of Career Development, 51(2), 254–298.
- Richardson, G. B., Chiu, Y.-C. J., Chen, C.-C., McGee, N., Bates, D., Ross, A., Acquavita, S. P. (2024). Structure and longitudinal invariance of the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey – Counselor Edition – Revised. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.
- Liu, Y., Chiu, Y.-C. J., Guennouni, N., & Conyers, L. M. (2024). Career Development of College Students With Disabilities: A Scoping Review. Journal of Career Development, 51(2), 254–298.
- Richardson, G. B., Chiu, Y.-C. J., Chen, C.-C., McGee, N., Bates, D., Ross, A., Acquavita, S. P. (2024). Structure and longitudinal invariance of the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey – Counselor Edition – Revised. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.
Alex Fietzer
- Fietzer, A. W., & Na, G. (in press). The Social Justice Engagement Scale: Development and validation on professional and student counselors and counseling psychologists from the U.S. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 53 manuscript pages.
Elaine Gale
- Gale, E., Creamer, P., Chen Pichler, D., & Lillo-Martin, D. (2024). Early Visual Strategies for Engaging Deaf Children. Odyssey.
- Gale, E., & Martin, A. (2024). Deaf gain: visual communication for all young children. Discover Education, 3(1), 66.
Marshall George
- George, M.A., Lewis, M., Shoffner, M., & Boyd, A. (2024). Pedagogy as perspective: Exploring purposes and practices for young adult literature with teacher candidates. Ubiquity: The Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts. Online publication.
Yang Hu
- Hu, Y., & Dong, B. (2024). Similar foci, different lenses: Literacy education beliefs and practice of Chinese and U.S. Teachers. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 26 (1):27-53.
Elizabeth Klein
- Klein, Elizabeth (2024) “The Pedagogy of Play in Teaching of Reading: Low Tech and High Tech Interactive Reading Methods,” The Language and Literacy Spectrum: Vol. 34: Iss. 1, Article 4. Available at:
Anthony Picciano
- Picciano, A.G. (June 2024). Graduate teacher education students use and evaluate ChatGPT as an essay-writing tool. Online Learning Journal. (Published: June 2024)
Jody Polleck
- Polleck, J. (2024). Using science fiction book clubs to enhance agency and academic and emotional literacies with Dutch neurodiverse youth. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 68(2), 105-117.
Gina Riley
- Schnell-Peskin, L, Riley, G., Hodnett, K., Gryta, V., Kisamore, A. (2024). Meeting the needs of students in higher education multigenerational classrooms: What can educators do? International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 41, 73-85.
Melissa Schieble
- Connor, D.J., & Schieble, M. (2024). Embodying Tourette’s Syndrome in young adult literature: Exploring contemporary portrayals and the lingering legacy of freakery. Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 18(4), 1757-6458.
Catherine Voulgarides
Selected Publications
- Kramarczuk Voulgarides, C., Etscheidt, S. L., & Hernández-Saca, D. I. (2024). Examining paradoxes of access in disability law: a critical analysis of the least restrictive environment. Journal of Education Policy, 1-26.
- Kramarczuk Voulgarides, C., Woulfin, S. L., Strassfeld, N., & Meltzer, I. (2024). Consequential Intersections: Examining Equity Expressions and Experiences Within Special Education Ecosystems. AERA Open, 10.
Presentations and Conferences
Jen Yung-Chen Chiu
- Chiu, Y-C, J., Conyers, L.M., Khan, A., Pour, F., & Yoon-Lee, S. (2024, February). Highlights from Research Studies Related to HIV and Employment. Concurrent session presented at the North Carolina Central University Career Institute, Durham, NC.
Ana Nery Fragoso
- The 26th Annual National Dance Education Organization Conference. REVITALIZE: Breathing New Life into Your Dance Programs and Teaching Methods. Sunday, September 29 – Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Hyatt Regency Bellevue on Seattle’s Eastside (WA). Session Title: Collaborative Practices in K-12 Dance Education. Session Description: Participants will explore collaborative learning applications in PreK-12 dance education in this interactive and experiential workshop. It will include movement experiences, group discussions, surveys/gathering data, and collaborative dance-making tasks. Dance students in K-12 programs are often asked to engage in group collaboration without previous explicit instruction in collaborative skills. Sometimes, we assume that students learn collaborative strategies in other classes and take for granted that these skills automatically transfer to dance group projects. In a student-centered dance classroom, students actively participate in their learning, and collaborative dance-making encourages them to take ownership of the creative process. Participants in this workshop will investigate how collaborative skills can potentially enhance dance students’ creative, artistic, and academic work and why they should be taught, learned, and practiced within the dance educational context.
Elaine Gale
- Gale, E. & Hopkins, K. (2024, May). Deaf Leadership International Alliance Deaf Recommendations.[Preconference workshop]. 6th International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention, Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Gale E., Hopkins, K.,Doku, R., Spykerman, C. (2024, May). Deaf Adults in Early Intervention: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate. [Invited presentation]. 6th International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention, Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Gale, E. & Creamer, P. (2024, May). Family ASL: Visual communication strategies for optimal language learning [Concurrent presentation]. International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention (FCEI), Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Gale, E., Gale, L., Creamer, P., Best, S., & Gale, Z. (2024, May). Promoting family wellbeing: Deaf gain in children’s books [Poster presentation]. International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention (FCEI), Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Gale, E. & Martin, A. (2024, May). Family and provider partnership: Guiding values for deaf children’s early language access [Poster presentation]. International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention (FCEI). Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Gale, E., Martin, A., & Lograno, E. (2024, May). Family ASL: Monitoring shared attention through deaf eyes for families and professionals [Concurrent presentation]. International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention (FCEI). Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Gale, E., Rems-Smario, J., Hopkins, K., & Olson, S. (2024, May). Deaf adults in early intervention: Preliminary data on parent experiences and perspectives [Poster presentation]. International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention (FCEI), Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Chen Pichler, D., Gale, E., Lillo-Martin, D., Creamer, P., & Schroeder, J. (2024, May). Family ASL: Research in support of family bimodal bilingual development [Concurrent presentation]. International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention (FCEI, Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Creamer, P. & Gale, E. (2024, May). Family ASL: Tips for teaching and learning ASL online [Poster session]. International Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention (FCEI), Bad Ischl, Austria.
- Gale, E. & Creamer, P. (March 2024). Family ASL: Mini-lessons on visual communication strategies [Concurrent presentation]. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI), Denver, CO, United States.
- Gale, E., Gale, L., Creamer, P., Best, S., & Gale, Z. (2024, March). Diversity, equity and inclusion: Deaf gain in children’s books [Poster presentation]. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI), Denver, CO, United States.
- Gale, E. & Martin, A. (2024, March). Guiding values for deaf children’s language access [Poster presentation]. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI), Denver, CO, United States.
- Gale, E., Martin, A., & Lograno, E. (March 2024). Family ASL: Researching Shared Attention Through Deaf Eyes [Poster Presentation]. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI), Denver, CO, United States.
- Gale, E., Rems-Smario, J., Hopkins, K., & Olson, S. (2024, March). DHH adult consumer-to-family support services: exploring parent experiences and perspectives [Poster Presentation]. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI), Denver, CO, United States.
- Lillo-Martin, D., Gale, E., Chen Pichler, D., Creamer, P. (2024, March). Family bimodal bilingual language development: Longitudinal study of families learning ASL [Concurrent Presentation]. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI), Denver, CO, United States.
- Creamer, P. & Gale, E. (2024, March). Families learning ASL on Zoom: The good, the bad and the beautiful [Concurrent Presentation]. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI), Denver, CO, United States.
- Gale, E. & Creamer, P. (2024, February). Family ASL: Teaching mini-lessons on visual communication strategies [Poster presentation]. Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH), Las Vegas, NV, United States.
- Gale, E., Gale, L., Creamer, P., Best, S., & Gale, Z. (2024, February). Elevate, empower, & engage: Deaf gain in Children’s books [Poster presentation]. Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH), Las Vegas, NV, United States.
- Gale, E. & Martin, A. (2024, February). Guiding values for elevating deaf children’s language access [Poster presentation]. Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH), Las Vegas, NV, United States.
- Gale, E., Martin, A., & Lograno, E. (2024, February). Family ASL: Engaging in shared attention through deaf eyes [Concurrent presentation]. Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH), Las Vegas, NV, United States.
- Gale, E., Rems-Smario, J., Hopkins, K., & Olson, S. (2024, February). Exploring parent perspectives: When should professionals in early intervention offer access to deaf adults? [Concurrent presentation]. Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH), Las Vegas, NV, United States.
- Creamer, P. & Gale, E. (2024, February). Family ASL Zoom engagement: New era of ASL learning with families [Concurrent presentation]. Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH), Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Frank Gardella
- Use of Triangle and Tetrahedron in place of Venn Diagrams. NYState 2-Year Community College Mathematics Conference, Kingston, NY April 2024.
- The presentation as a 2-hour workshop at the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State. Title: An Extended Workshop Focusing on Fractions. Albany, NY: November 2024
- Conference: NYSATE/NYACTE 2024 Fall Conference: Title: Connecting Educators: How an Academic Coaching Model Works. Co-Presenter: Lauren Gurdus, AP at CASA Middle School/Hunter Adjunct: The presentation focused on an 18-month project at CASA aimed at giving mathematics teachers support to ‘make the curriculum their own.’ The project incorporated teachers creating Initial Teaching Lessons for each major mathematics topic as well as a restructuring of the curriculum to avoid Cognitive Overload and Cognitive Interference. Data on progress of new teachers in their teaching was presented.
- Conference: Long Island Mathematics Conference (LIMACON) The presentation offered teachers a focused view of the teaching of the division of a 2-digt number by a 1-digit number (long division) using a 4-step process called the M4 Model. The process begins with the use of only Base 10 materials, with the next stage explaining the process using social language to explain the use of the materials. The third phase, again using the Base Ten materials, introduces the symbolism (the ‘Goes Into Box) by which mathematics is communicated. The fourth stage is when the symbolism alone is used without the physical models.
Yang Hu
- Hu, Y., Beers, S., Rodriguez, L.R. & Reicherter, A. (2024, November). Teaching writing from inside out: Center students’ voices, languages and funds of knowledge. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of National Council for Teachers of English. Boston, MA.
Melissa Jackson
- Dr. Melissa Jackson was invited by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine in Washington DC to speak on a panel on Active Shooter Drills in K-12 Schools. Information from this panel will be used to inform a congressionally mandated study that looks at active shooter drills in schools across the United States. A report from the National Academies will also be generated in the summer of 2025 that will inform research, practice, and policy.
Elizabeth Klein
- Venue: 8th Annual SUNY Cortland Literacy Department Conference – Reading and Writing for Social Justice: Challenging Notions of Literacy in Challenging Times. Title of Workshop: Social Justice in the Texting of Literary Texts: Embracing Light and Shadow. Abstract: This workshop is designed for participants to explore the balance of light and shadow to reflect teachings of Carl Jung and Parker Palmer’s teachings self-knowledge and the “paradox” of teaching . Teacher Candidates will engage in discussions from selections of literature that is banned in certain districts and in several states. Teacher candidates will identify themes where the interplay of good and evil is present-(i.e., ‘Man’s Inhumanity to self” and ” Man’s Inhumanity to Man). Teacher candidates will engage in critical conversations about to understand character motives, author’s purpose and to use the literature as a basis for empowering student voice.
- Venue: CUNY Teaching and Learning Conference – CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (Graduate Center), New York, New York. Title of Workshop: Reimagining Higher Education Through the Pedagogy of Play – Igniting the Learning Experience. Abstract: This session focuses on how to integrate innovation, experimentation and creativity into all aspects of teaching in the College classroom. The notion of sparking joy and igniting passion into learning can be accomplished through short, playful experiential learning to warm students up and to build bonding relationships. This session also focuses on risk-taking in the early stages of a long-term project through brainstorming, mind mapping and collaborative tools. This session also focuses on working in pods, pairs and offline groups to create supportive peer-to-peer teaching. Participants interact by sharing how they use play or might use play to achieve instructional goals.
- Venue: CUNY-IDEA Conference CUNY Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Justice Conference, March 14, 2024. Title: Advocacy and Activism through Self-Care and Community Compassion. Presenters: Elizabeth Klein, Dr. Gina Riley, Kenny Hirshmann and Shemeka Braithwaite, Associate Director of NYC Men Teach – Brooklyn College. Abstract: The premise of this workshop is that work of advocacy and activism is achieved through small action steps, stress reduction and tapping into one’s strengths. Presenters will connect self-care practices to education, activism and advocacy. Participants wiil engage in short mindfulness, meditation, breathing techniques designed for slowing down the mind and reducing stress. They will be presented with best practices for stress reduction, increasing focus and joy through shared practices of presenters such as: journaling, focused readings, establishing support networks, creativity and humor.
- Venue: CUNY Online. Title: Advancing Self Care: A Nod to Self through Embodiment, Sharing and Gentle Action. Track: Mindfulness Matters- The Healthy Employee. Facilitators: Elizabeth Klein, Clinical Professor, Hunter College, Kenny Hirschmann, Manager, Frankfort Center for Learning & Scholarly Technologies, Hunter College, Valerie Lyons, Assistant Director for Student Affairs, Hunter College, Jeneca Parker-Tongue, Director of the Collaborative for Social Emotional Learning and Leading (C-SELL) and Distinguished Lecturer, Hunter College Read Less. Abstract: In this presentation, we share self-care practices to optimize professional growth, balance, happiness, and joy. Through self-empowerment, mediation, visualization and reflection we allow ourselves to open up. We explore how to let out our inner child and play more, rest more, and connect more with others. Participants will engage in meditation exercises and formulate one tiny action step for themselves.
- Venue: New York Reading Association Conference Albany Hilton. Title: The Gift of Vocabulary.
Tom McIntyre
- Conference: Teacher Educators of Children with Behavior Disorders (TECBD). Description: Does the Transtheoretical Model apply to behavior change efforts for adolescents with externalized behavior disorders? It’s an often-asked question in our schools: Why does an evidence-based, research supported intervention promote prosocial change with one dissocial young person, but fail to positively impact another learner with an acting out behavior pattern? This session explained the research-proven Transtheoretical model. The model notes that positive behavior change is related to one’s present state of willingness and readiness to change one’s ways. The explanation of the model was followed by a report on our ongoing research into its application to school settings and students with acting out behavior patterns.
- Tom McIntyre, PhD Professor of Special Education, Hunter College
- Sean Turner, PhD Adjunct Professor of Special Education, Hunter College
- Conference: Teacher Educators of Children with Behavior Disorders (TECBD). Description: Does the Transtheoretical Model apply to behavior change efforts for adolescents with externalized behavior disorders? It’s an often-asked question in our schools: Why does an evidence-based, research supported intervention promote prosocial change with one dissocial young person, but fail to positively impact another learner with an acting out behavior pattern? This session explained the research-proven Transtheoretical model. The model notes that positive behavior change is related to one’s present state of willingness and readiness to change one’s ways. The explanation of the model was followed by a report on our ongoing research into its application to school settings and students with acting out behavior patterns.
Gina Riley
- Creating a Decision Making Curriculum for Students with Disabilities. Presented with Elizabeth Klein at the Everyone Reading Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, January 2024.
- Hunter SOE/DDPC Decision Making Curriculum. Presented with Elizabeth Klein at the New Jersey CEC Conference. Ramapo College. March 2024.
- Advocacy and Activism through Self Care and Compassion. Presented with Elizabeth Klein, Kenny Hirschmann & Shameka Brathwaite. CUNY Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access Conference. CUNY Graduate Center. March 2024.
- Faculty Perspectives on HyFlex Instruction Challenges and Strategies. Presented with Kenny Hirschmann. Perlata Online Equity Conference. April 2024.
- Unschooling Students with Disabilities. Learn Free Conference: UK. Online. May 2024
- The Impact of HyFlex Education on K-12 Schools: A Preliminary Glance. Presented with Dr. Jerry Rivera-Wilson. 2nd Annual HyFlex Collaborative Conference. State University at Albany. June 2024.
- Faculty Perspectives on HyFlex. Presented with Kenny Hirschmann. Presented with Dr. Kenny Hirschman. 2nd Annual HyFlex Collaborative Conference. State University at Albany. June 2024.
- Creating a Decision Making Curriculum for Students in NYS: The Hunter SOE/DDPC Decision Making Project. Presented with Dr. Alfonso Perez at the New York State Association of Teacher Educator (NYSATE/NYACTE) Conference. Saratoga Springs, New York. November 2024. (Conference Co-Chair/Organizer)
Imani Irving Perez
- Adelaide L. Sanford Institute 2024 Conference: The presentation focused on the HSoE/DDPC Decision-Making Curriculum, which provides students with knowledge and understanding regarding the steps to decision-making, including gathering information, understanding information, seeking support, reflecting on choices, and making decisions. Most importantly, students with disabilities deserve the opportunity to practice these skills in an academic setting.
Rosa Rivera-McCutchen
- Dr. Rivera-McCutchen, Ph.D., delivered the 2024 Barbara L. Jackson, Ed.D. Keynote at the Fordham GSE on Nov. 18, 2024. Drawing from her book, Radical Care: Leading for Justice in Urban Schools, she shared insights on how school leaders can foster more just and equitable learning environments. Her talk offered practical strategies for educators to create supportive, affirming experiences for marginalized students, while working toward broader systemic transformation.
- Dr. Rivera-McCutchen delivered a paper presentation entitled, “Radical Care: A Leadership Framework for Urban School Excellence” at the 2024 International Conference on Urban Education.
Nancy Sall
- Poster presentation, The Benefits of Schmoozing: Understanding Parent-Professional Partnerships and Building Partnerships in the Education of Young Children at the CEC Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA, September 2024.
Jason Wirtz
- Title: Written Performance Indicators from Experienced Creative Writers. Conference: SIG Writing Conference 20204, Paris Nanterre University, France. Abstract: Experienced creative writers (n=10) participated in an observational eye tracking study with corresponding video and cued retrospective response interview. The eye tracking data and video informed the subsequent interviews focused on identifying written performance indicators. The following question guided the study: What performance indicators from experienced creative writers can be surfaced through a combination of eye tracking, video, and cued retrospective response within an ecologically grounded writing task? Triangulation of the data yielded 10 experienced creative writing performance indicators.