Policies and Forms
For polices and forms not listed below or addressed in the Hunter College academic catalog, please contact soe.oasa@hunter.cuny.edu.
If you are experiencing an emergency that will impact your academics please reach out to your faculty and administrative advisor for support. Locate your advisors through the Advisors Page. You may also review support resources on the Student Support Page.
Admission Conditions
To review all polices and procedures related to Admission Conditions, including the Admission Conditions Completion Form, please visit the Admissions Conditions Page.
School of Education Academic Dismissal and Probation
Students must meet the academic progress standards as stated in the Hunter College catalog for their program. To review these standards, please review your program’s page in the catalog for the year in which you started. You may also obtain the catalog link by visiting your program page (Undergraduate or Graduate) on the School of Education website.
All students who are either placed on probation or receive an academic dismissal will be notified by the School of Education to their myHunter email account. Students may appeal an academic dismissal and the appeal steps will be included in the email. For questions on the probation or academic dismissal process for the School of Education, please contact the Office of Academic & Student affairs at soe.oasa@hunter.cuny.edu.
For policies on dismissal from fieldwork courses, please review the School of Education Fieldwork Policy Page.
Changing Personal Information (Name, Gender, Address)
In order for Hunter College to maintain accurate records, and for you to receive important and timely information from us, it is imperative that your name and address are correct in our system. This page includes information to:
- Change Your Primary (Legal) Name
- Add/Update a Preferred Name
- Change Your Email, NetID, & OneCard
- Change Your Permanent Address
- Add/Update a Mailing Address
- Change Your Gender Identity
- Get Help
Please visit the Hunter College Changing Your Personal Information page for forms and directions.
Course Conflict Override Form
If a course is in conflict with another course on your record, complete and submit the Course Conflict Override Form and obtain your instructors’ approvals. Email approval from the instructor’s hunter email address will satisfy the requirement.
You will register for one course and the second course, if approved, will be manually added to your record by the Registrar. You are still responsible for paying for the second course once added to your record. Failure to do so may result in the course being dropped from your record.
Please complete and upload the required form to the School of Education form uploader.
Course Conflict Override Form
To request proof of CTLE credits earned within the Hunter College School of Education, please complete the CTLE Request form.
Undergraduate Course Equivalency
Undergraduate students who would like to use coursework taken at another institution towards their education major should complete the Course Equivalency form, have it reviewed by their Faculty Advisor and then upload the form to the School of Education form uploader. We will support you with routing the form for additional required approvals.
Dean’s Request and Late Registration Form
The Dean’s Request is in place to support students who have encountered a hardship due to a catastrophic medical or personal emergency and missed a posted deadline for add, drop or withdrawal. For students seeking a withdrawal or a refund, you must have stopped attending the course on or before the posted deadline. For students seeking to add a class after the deadline, if you have missed two or more class meetings your appeal will not be approved.Appeals are not granted when a student is dissatisfied with a faculty member, a grade for a course or did not receive a response to an email. For students seeking to appeal a grade, please refer to the Grade Appeal process on the School of Education website Academics > Appeals and Special Circumstances.Official responses will only be sent to your myHunter.cuny.edu email account. Please note it can take up to 5 weeks to receive a determination on your request. Please note students are only permitted one request during the time in their program.
Prior to completing this form, please meet with your Administrative Advisor in the Office of Academic & Student Affairs. You can locate your advisor selecting your program on the Undergraduate Program Page or Graduate Program page.
First, connect with your Faculty Advisor to determine whether the course must be taken at Hunter College or if it can be taken elsewhere. If it is confirmed that your course can be taken elsewhere and if an equivalent course is offered at another CUNY institution, file for an e-permit in CUNYfirst. More information on the e-permit process can be found on the Registrar’s e-permit page. If the course is offered at an institution outside of CUNY, you will be required to submit a paper e-permit through the Registrar’s Office. Please email epermit@hunter.cuny.edu for a paper e-permit.
School of Education Fieldwork Policies
To review the full list of School of Education fieldwork policies which include fieldwork placement, attendance, dismissals and appeals, please visit the School of Education Fieldwork Policies Page.
School of Education Fingerprinting Policy
To review the School of Education Fingerprinting Policy, please visit the Fingerprinting Page.
Graduate Exemption or Waiver
Exemption or waiver of a course requirement may be granted to a student who has completed an undergraduate course at another college or a graduate course taken over five years ago with the same or similar content as a Hunter College course required in your program. For courses taken at the graduate level within the last five years, see below for Transfer of Credit Request.
An exemption reduces the number of credits you need to take in your program. A waiver requires you to take an approved elective course of at least the same number of credits at Hunter to replace the waived course.
Only matriculated students may be granted exemptions or waivers. All programs do not offer exemptions and waivers while others have limits on the number of credits from which students may be exempted or waived. Not all departments approve the use of undergraduate courses for use in exemptions and waivers.
For best results, download the Exemption/Waiver Form and then complete it. Submit the form with all required documentation to your faculty advisor then upload it to the School of Education form uploader.
Grade Appeal
Grading Glossary and Guidelines
CUNY’s grading glossary and guidelines for undergraduate and graduate programs.
Graduate Time Extension
All matriculated graduate students who have exceeded the five year time limit allowed for the completion of their degree, are required to file an application for time extension. Requests to extend courses that are 7 -10 years old must be accompanied by a statement affirming that the content knowledge gained in the courses has been utilized via continued study or through professional experience. Requests to extend courses 10 years and over will not be approved. Please complete the form, sign digitally and upload to the School of Education form uploader. We will support with gaining any additional required signatures.
Graduation Application
Students must apply to graduate via CUNYfirst in the semester in which they intend to complete their program. For step by step instructions and deadlines, please review the Graduation and Commencement Page.
Incomplete Grades and Incomplete Grade Contract
To review all polices and procedures related to Incomplete Grades, please visit the Resolving Incomplete Grades information section on the Graduation and Commencement page.
Independent Study
The Independent Study Form must be submitted no later than the last day of regular registration in order to get approval for independent study. After the form is submitted, an independent study course number and code will be assigned and you will be notified about which course code to register for. You may not register without securing your advisor’s and chairperson’s signatures on this form. Once all signatures are obtained, complete and upload the required form to the School of Education form uploader.
Late Registration
To resolve registration issues after late registration (add or swap a course), submit the Dean’s Request Form.
Leave of Absence
Matriculated students are eligible for up to two semesters of leave. This form is to be used for Graduate matriculated students only who have completed at least one course in their program. This form is not an authorization for an official withdrawal of courses in progress. You must still drop any in progress courses in CUNYfirst. When you wish to resume your graduate studies, you must file a readmission application with the Admission’s Office. Please complete the form, sign digitally and upload to the School of Education form uploader.
Maintenance of Matriculation
Graduate (Master’s Degree or Advanced Certificate) students, who are not enrolled in any CUNY course in the semester in which they are obtaining their degree, are required to pay a maintenance of matriculation fee. Students must be either registered or on maintenance of matriculation in the semester they graduate. This fee should be paid during the semester of absence. Students on maintenance of matriculation should not be charged student activity fees. The maintenance of matriculation fee cannot be waived.
In order to pay the maintenance of matriculation fee students must complete the Maintenance of Matriculation Form. You will be required to log in with your NET ID in order to access the form.
Rate Schedule
- Resident: $225 per semester
- Non-Resident: $370 per semester
Permission and Overtally Request Form
While permission is not guaranteed, you can request to register for a closed course or a course outside your program by completing the Departmental Permission Form most relevant to the course.
Only submit a Department Permission Request Form if the course you are requesting does not list any additional registration restrictions in the class notes section in CUNYfirst.
Permission requests are reviewed on a weekly basis by the department office. Students will be notified by email concerning their request.
Department Permission Request Forms
- Department Permission Request Form for ADSUP, BILED, CEDCF, CEDC, DANED, MUSED, ECC, EDESL, EDLIT, HED, LING, SEDC and QSTA courses
- Department Permission Request Form for SEDF, CEDF, ECF, COCO, COUNR, COUNM, COUNS and EDPS courses
- Department Permission Request Form for SPED, SPEDE, and EDABA courses
School of Education Policy on Professionalism
The policy on professionalism can be reviewed on the Policy on Professionalism Page.
Program Withdrawal
Students wishing to withdraw from their program must contact their School of Education faculty advisor, drop all courses in CUNYfirst and complete the program withdrawal form.
Release of Records to Third Party
Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Hunter College does not release personally identifiable education records without the written permission of the student whose education records are involved. This includes to spouses, family and friends. If you wish to have your education information released, please complete the following form.
Depending on your circumstance submit to OneStop or the Hunter College School of Education Office of Academic and Student Affairs at soeoasa@hunter.cuny.edu.
Religious Accommodations
Please review the full CUNY Religious Accommodations policy on the CUNY website.
Report Exit Requirements to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs
When applicable, students must report the following exit requirements using the Workshop or Exam Completion Form to the Office of Academics and Student Affairs:
- Workshop Completion and Exam Scores
- Course Substitutions
- Graduate Time Extension
- Technology Competencies
- Professional Teaching Portfolio
- Comprehensive Exam
Transcript Requests
Graduate Transfer of Credit
A matriculated student may request a transfer of credit for a graduate-level course completed at another institution. To be eligible, the course must have been taken within the past five years and closely match the content of a required course in the student’s Hunter College program.
For courses taken at the undergraduate level or graduate courses taken over five years ago, see Course Exemption/Waiver.
Please complete the Transfer of Credit Request Form, sign digitally, pdf and attach all required documents. Then send it to your faculty advisor for review. Once you obtain your faculty advisor’s signature upload the required form to the School of Education form uploader. We will support you with routing the form for additional required signatures.
School of Education Video Consent Policy
To review the School of Education Video Consent Policy, please visit the For Students Working with Video Page.