Newly Accepted Students
Congratulations on your acceptance to the School of Education!
- New graduate students entering a partnership program should consult the Newly Accepted Partnership Program Students page.
- New undergraduate education majors should consult the New Education Majors page.
- Undocumented students please review the Undocumented Student Support for Teacher Education programs page in addition to this page.
New Graduate Student Orientation and Program Advising Sessions
Most new students will attend 3 orientations to review all the information needed to start their program.
Part 1: General New Graduate Student Orientations
The School of Education hosts virtual new graduate student orientations. These online sessions will give you an overview of Hunter College and the School of Education. Additionally, you will find answers to many of your questions regarding registration, student life, and certification. Orientations are hosted on Zoom. Registration links will be sent to your email.
Upcoming Dates
- Friday, May 2nd – Counseling Programs New Student Orientation
- Tuesday, May 6th – EdD Instructional Leadership New Student Orientation
- Wednesday, May 7th – Teacher Education, ABA, and Ed Psych Programs New Student Orientation
- Thursday, June 5th – Teacher Education, ABA, and Ed Psych Programs New Student Orientation
- Wednesday, July 9th – Teacher Education, ABA, and Ed Psych Programs New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation Video
Part 2: Program-Specific Orientation and Advising Sessions
The School of Education faculty hosts program advising sessions or individual advising sessions to review the course of study, progress standards, and fieldwork requirements. These sessions are required.
Program sessions for new Fall 2025 graduate students coming soon. Registration links will also be sent to your email.
Part 3: Clinical Experiences and Fingerprinting Orientation for Teacher Education
Please watch the Clinical Experiences and Fingerprinting New Student Orientation video which provides an overview of clinical experiences and the fingerprinting process for New York City.
New Student Support
If you need support getting started, email your School of Education New Student Liaison at
New Student Checklist
Use the list below as a guide to getting started at Hunter College as a graduate student.
Step 1 – Complete the Core Four
Accept Your Enrollment
All admitted matriculated students must accept their decision in the Apply Yourself application portal to indicate their intent to join Hunter and gain access to CUNYfirst.
You must also look out for a physical acceptance letter that will be mailed to the address on your graduate application. The acceptance letter will list your admissions conditions, including submitting official transcripts, completing missing prerequisite courses, or showing proof of NYS certification.
Claim your CUNYfirst Student Account
After accepting your enrollment, you will be invited to claim your CUNYfirst student account via an email from the Hunter College Graduate Admissions Office. Please note this CUNYfirst invitation may come 1-2 weeks after you accept your enrollment on your application portal.
The CUNYfirst student account contains your academic record and is where you will enroll in courses using the Schedule Builder. All students will be assigned an EMPLID which is your student ID number.
To activate your CUNYfirst account, visit the CUNYfirst activation page. If you need additional support, please review the step by step guide on activation.
If you previously attended a CUNY college you can log into your existing account via CUNYfirst.
You may also find your enrollment appointment after you claim your CUNYfirst account.
For a tour of the CUNYfirst Student Center, please review CUNY’s CUNYfirst Student Center video.
For support on using the CUNY Schedule Builder within CUNYfirst, please review the CUNY Schedule Builder How To Guide.
Submit MMR and Meningitis Immunization Documentation
Please note that you must claim your CUNYfirst account before submitting immunization documentation.
All students must submit immunization documentation to the Office of Wellness Services. If you recently attended a CUNY school, you may not need to resubmit your immunization documentation.
If you plan to register for less than 6 credits, review and complete the Meningococcal Meningitis Requirement. This can be done via the CUNYfirst Student Center page, or through email submission of the Immunization Record Form (part 3).
If you plan to register for 6 or more credits, complete the Meningococcal Meningitis Requirement, and review the following options for submitting your MMR Immunization Documentation:
To upload and submit documents using the CUNYfirst Document Uploader:
Note the CUNYfirst Document Uploader works best in Google Chrome or Firefox.
- Include your name on each page of the documents.
- Scan your records into PDF format before uploading them. We do not accept photos of immunization records from mobile devices.
- Review your scans. Forms and photo IDs that are not legible cannot be processed, and this will delay your registration
- Log into CUNYfirst
- Select Student Center > Student Tools > Document Upload. The Document Upload page is displayed with your name and your Student ID (CUNYfirst ID).
- Using the Document Class drop-down menu, select one of the document classes corresponding to the document to be uploaded. Generally, this is “Health Services.”
- A Document Type drop-down menu is added to the Document Upload page. Using the Document Type drop-down menu, select HS Immunizations
- Click on the >> (“Go”) button to the right of the Document Type drop-down menu.
- Click the OK button to continue with the document upload. If you are presented with a Student Documents Repository login prompt, enter your CUNY Login credentials and click Log In.
- Click the Choose Files button to open your computer’s file manager/explorer tool. You may select multiple files to upload.
- After you have uploaded your records, email with your EMPL ID number so the Office of Wellness Services can update the system.
New students born in New York City during the 1990s, may contact the Office of Wellness Services at for support with obtaining immunization documentation from the CityWide Immunization Registry (CIR).
If you do not have access to a scanner, many mobile devices now offer scanning apps that will convert a document into a PDF.
Submit Official Transcripts
Send your official sealed or electronic transcripts from your colleges to the Graduate Admissions Office at 695 Park Ave, North 223, NY, NY 10065 or as early as possible. Non-matriculated students must show proof of Bachelor’s degree conferral.
Step 2 – Prepare for Registration
Pay Your Commitment Deposit
Submit the $250 commitment deposit to Hunter College. The non-refundable commitment deposit will be credited toward your first-semester tuition charges.
Doctoral students admitted to the EdD program, Non-matriculated students, and Veterans of the US Military Service or active duty members are not required to submit the commitment deposit.
To Pay:
- Detach the bottom of your Commitment Deposit Form (the form will be included in your physical letter of acceptance).
- Write your Applicant (AY) ID Number on your check or money order payable to Hunter College.
- Mail your check or money order to:
Hunter College
Office of Bursar
695 Park Avenue
Room 238 NorthNew York, NY 10065Review the Academic Calendar
- Review the Academic Calendar for important dates including the first day of class and holidays.
- Review the Registration Information table for deadlines to add or drop courses.
Federal Financial Aid
Financial Aid information for Professional and Graduate students is available on the website.
If you are applying for federal financial aid:
- Submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at and forward your financial aid information to Hunter College using code: 002689.
- 5-10 days* after submitting your FAFSA, you should be able to access your loan information through CUNYfirst (Student Center > Financial Aid).
- Be sure to accept all or part of your offer on CUNYfirst before the start of the semester.
*Note: If your financial aid information does not populate in CUNYfirst within 5-10 days of submitting your information to code 002689, contact the Office of Financial Aid.
Advanced certificate and non-degree students are not eligible for federal student aid.
Payment Plans
Payment plans are available. Payment deadlines can be found on the Tuition and Payment Deadlines page.
Workshops and Resources
The Hunter College Office of Financial Aid hosts monthly workshops on Financial Aid Wellness, Filing the FAFSA, and more. For more information about financial aid and to RSVP for a workshop, visit the Office of Financial Aid page.
Please review the School of Education’s Financing Your Degree page, and the Bursar’s Office page via One Stop for Students for payment options and timeline.
Check Out Scholarships and Opportunities
On the Scholarships and Opportunities page, you can review School of Education Scholarships and other financial opportunities such as TEACH Grant and NYC Men Teach. Note that many scholarship opportunities require you to submit the FAFSA for eligibility.
Find Your Program Information and Advisors
Each program in the School of Education has a dedicated page for program-specific information that includes details on your course of study, advisors, fieldwork, and certification or licensure requirements. Bookmark this page as you will refer to it often throughout your program, especially at registration.
To find your School of Education Program Page, visit the Academics page and select Graduate Programs or Doctoral Program.
Submit Transfer of Credit and Exemption or Waiver Requests
If you have completed relevant coursework at another institution, you may be eligible for a transfer of credit, exemption or waiver.
The deadlines to submit transfer of credit, exemption or waiver paperwork are: May 1 (priority deadline), July 1 (final deadline).
For a list of courses that are transfer eligible along with criteria and the required forms, please review your program page. Transfer of credit, exemptions or waivers are available only to matriculated students, and not all programs offer them.
For guidance on this process, please connect with
Start Fingerprinting Processes (Teacher Education and School Counseling Programs)
Fingerprint clearance is required for NY State Teacher and School Counseling Certification and select clinical experiences. This process can be lengthy and new students are encouraged to start this process early. Please review the School of Education Fingerprinting page for all required steps.
Newly admitted graduate students who have fieldwork in their first semester should complete the fingerprinting process as soon as possible and by August 1st if they are admitted for fall, or by January 3rd if they are admitted for spring.
Step 3 – Register for Courses
Register for Courses via CUNYfirst Schedule Builder
To register, you must have accepted your enrollment, claimed your CUNYfirst, and cleared your immunization holds. New students register for courses via the CUNY Schedule Builder on CUNYfirst. Attend your program advising session (group or 1:1) to learn which courses to register for in your first semester. To find your School of Education Program Page, visit the Academics page and Graduate Programs or Doctoral Program.
Review the School of Education Registration page for technical assistance and troubleshooting guides.
For support on using the CUNY Schedule Builder within CUNYfirst, please review the CUNY Schedule Builder How To Guide. You can also watch this CUNY Schedule Builder registration video.
Step 4 – After Registration
Access your myHunter Email
All email communication between students and Hunter College faculty and staff must occur via the Hunter email systems (, Access your myHunter Email account using your CUNYfirst login credentials.
- Your Email Username
Every Hunter student has an email address that follows this formula: your CUNYfirst username followed by ex. Your Email Password
Your email password is your CUNYfirst password. Whenever you change your CUNYfirst password, your email password will change automatically.All current students should set their myHunter email as their preferred email in CUNYfirst. To update your preferred email within CUNYfirst, go to your Student Center, select the Profile tile, and then select Contact Details from the left-hand navigation options.
For tutorials and directions on using your myHunter email, please review the help resources on the Hunter Instructional Computing and Information Technology page.
Access your Navigate account
Stay connected to your advisors and fellow students with the Navigate Student app. Use the app to make advising appointments, connect with campus resources, and view your class schedule, among many more features. Sign up to receive alerts and text or email messages.
Request your Zoom Account
Visit and log in using your CUNYfirst credentials.
For troubleshooting, please refer to the Zoom help information provided by Zoom.
Obtain your Hunter Student ID (OneCard)
All Hunter students receive a OneCard as their official campus photo ID, which they can use to access Hunter College facilities and services. Starting Fall 2024, students will receive a Mobile OneCard.
Learn more about setting up your Mobile OneCard and multi-factor authentication on the Hunter website. Should you have any questions, please email the OneCard Office at
Your student identification number, also known as your EMPL ID number is listed on your card. This number allows faculty and staff to access your record in CUNYfirst. Include this number in all email correspondence. You can also find your EMPL ID number via the Student Center in CUNYFirst.
Claim your Hunter NetID
Your NetID is used to access Hunter WiFi and log into all shared computers at Hunter College. You may claim your NETID after you are enrolled in classes. It may take 2-3 days for the system to generate a NETID after you register. To claim your NETID visit the NetID Central page.
Access Books and Articles for Courses
The Hunter College Bookstore is located on Lexington Avenue at Shakespeare and Co. Review book requirements on CUNYfirst or via the Hunter College Online Bookstore, if available. Note course materials are typically assigned on the first day of class when you receive your syllabus.
You can also access course books, and articles, through the Hunter College Library.
Step 5 – During Your First Semester
Complete Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
As part of our comprehensive prevention program for new students and our commitment to providing a supportive learning environment that fosters a safe, healthy relationship among students, Hunter requires you to complete the SPARC Online Training program. The Dean of Students will send a message to your myHUNTER email account in your first semester with a link to the training.
Review and Make a Plan to Meet Your Admission Conditions
If admitted with admission conditions such as missing undergraduate course prerequisites or New York State certification, these items will be listed on your official acceptance letters. Additionally, you will receive an email to your MyHunter account listing your conditions of acceptance in your first semester. Review the Satisfying Admissions Conditions page and contact School of Education admissions advisors with questions.
For Students Admitted with a Certification Deadline
Students who were accepted to a program that requires NYS teacher certification, but did not have it issued at admission must show proof of their certification by the following deadline:
- Master’s degree students need to show proof of NYS verification by February 1 if admitted for fall, or July 1 if admitted for spring.
- Advanced certificate students will need to show proof of NYS certification by October 15th if admitted for fall, or March 15th if admitted for spring.
For questions about your admission conditions contact
Review Certification or Licensure Requirements
Every program in the School of Education has a dedicated page for program-specific information that includes details on your certification or licensure requirements. Bookmark this page as you will refer to it often throughout your program.
To find your School of Education Program Page, visit the Academics page and Graduate Programs or Doctoral Program.
Additionally, plan to make an appointment to meet with your Administrative Advisor in your first semester or attend a Certification Workshop to go over your specific requirements and any questions you may have.
Review Progress Standards
Every program in the School of Education has a dedicated page for program-specific information that includes details about specific progress standards (minimum grades and GPA) for your program. Bookmark this page as you will refer to it often throughout your program.
To find your School of Education Program Page, visit the Academics page and Graduate Programs or Doctoral Program.
Review the School’s Policy on Professionalism
The School of Education values professionalism and care among its students, professors, and staff. Review the Policy on Professionalism to start your semester strongly.
Student Resources, Supports, and Opportunities
Hunter College Emergency Resources
You can review all Hunter College and School of Education emergency resources, including emergency funding, laptop loans, and other resources on the Student Concerns and Emergencies page.
Hunter College Academic Resources
Supportive academic policies and procedures are on the Student Support page.
Academic Centers
Hunter College has various tutoring centers to support students with writing, math, and science. These centers have proved helpful for School of Education students looking to hone their academic writing skills and pass certification exams.
Office of AccessABILITY
For students with documented disabilities who need to coordinate accommodations, the Office of Accessibility is here to support you. In addition to accommodations coordination, the office also provides workshops and student clubs.
International Students Office
The International Students Office (ISO) supports international students and exchange visitors in their cultural and educational transition to the College. The ISO can assist you in reaching your education goals by informing you about your rights and responsibilities regarding your immigration status in the United States and creating a supportive environment. The ISO helps to ensure legal compliance with the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and the Students and Exchange Visitors Program (SEVP).
Student Veteran Services
Student Veteran Services (SVS) is the central hub that connects student veterans with academic and personal support resources on and off campus. SVS is here to support your academic and personal endeavors at Hunter, from acceptance to graduation.
Equity and Action at Hunter College
School of Education Equity and Advocacy Committee
The School of Education Equity and Advocacy Committee explores and utilizes research and practices to integrate equity and advocacy. The committee is driven to create a school climate that is inclusive and responsive to the assets of all faculty, staff, and students with a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, languages, genders, sexualities, abilities, and prior knowledge and lived experiences. For more information, please visit the Equity and Advocacy page.
Presidential Task Force on Racial Equity and Speaking of Justice: Race, Racism and Reform
The Presidential Task Force on Racial Equity, convenes conversations between students, faculty, and staff that connect various initiatives underway across campus to be collaborative, productive, and effective.
Professional Learning Opportunities
National Society of Leadership and Success
The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is a leadership-based honor society. NSLS offers lectures from the nation’s leading presenters and a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals come together and help one another succeed. NSLS also serves as a powerful force of good in the greater community by encouraging and organizing action to better the world. All matriculated students with a GPA of 3.5 are invited to join. Invitations are sent during the second semester of attendance. If you are interested in learning more about NSLS, please review the National Society of Leadership and Success page.
Career, Professional and Partnership Development
The School of Education’s Career, Professional, and Partnership Development division, or CPPD for short, is here to support you in starting, changing, or continuing your career. CPPD offers an online job board and opportunity listing through the School of Education Opportunity Bulletin. The bulletin is sent weekly to your Myhunter email account. CPPD also hosts job fairs and professional learning sessions to support you in growing your networks and enhancing your skills.
In addition to virtual resources and events, CPPD supports students with cover letters and resume writing through one-on-one appointments. You can make an appointment with a career advisor through the Advising page.
For more information on CPPD, please watch the What Does CPPD Do video and visit the CPPD page.