Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (MSEd)
Welcome to the Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (MSEd) program home page. Use this page as a guide to the program from acceptance to graduation.
The Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling program prepares students to assist people with disabilities to realize personal goals and maximize their physical, emotional, social, intellectual and vocational potential. The Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling program is accredited by Council for Accreditation and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Clinical Rehabilitation Counselors work with adults, as well as younger individuals, in a variety of settings on disability adjustment and vocational issues. These can include more traditional settings, such as Federal-State vocational rehabilitation agencies (i.e., ACCES-VR) and the New York State Commission for the Blind. It also includes a wide variety of other settings serving people with disabilities, such as educational and vocational programs, chemical dependency/addiction programs, social security disability hearings and forensic vocational expert work, hospital-based vocational rehabilitation programs, college disability support programs/centers, etc. Graduates and students who complete 75% of their coursework are eligible to become Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC).
Counselor education students will demonstrate a set of values and attitudes consistent with the highest professional standards. They are expected to identify themselves with the counseling profession and to adhere to counseling program objectives.
Program Objectives
The counseling program prepares graduates who will:
- Demonstrate an awareness of self and others in order to provide culturally competent personal, academic, and career counseling to individuals, groups, families, and communities.
- Demonstrate competencies to work both individually and systemically within complex systems (e.g. schools, rehabilitation agencies, and hospitals) by advocating for access, equity, and social justice.
- Demonstrate the awareness, knowledge, and skills to effectively work with clients who represent the diversity of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, ability status, nationality, and sexual orientation as relevant to professional counselors working in contemporary urban contexts.
- Demonstrate comprehension of ethical and legal issues and practices relative to school, rehabilitation, and mental health counseling in urban contexts.
- Demonstrate a professional identity with the role and function of a professional school counselor, rehabilitation counselor, or mental health counselor.
Academic Plan
Total Credits
Earn at least 60 credits
Advisors and Faculty
- Jen Yung-Chen Chiu, Program Leader
- John Keegan, Program Faculty
- Michelle Lask, Clinical Coordinator of Field Placements
- Hadeel Elder, Program Faculty/Fieldwork Site Development
- Valerie Lyons, Licensure, Graduation and Administrative Advisor
Annual Report and Student Outcomes
Please view the Annual Report and Student Outcomes that we provide in compliance with The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), the body that accredits the Hunter College School of Education’s program in clinical rehabilitation counseling.
Newly Accepted Students
Getting Started and Orientation
New Student Checklist
Welcome to the School of Education! Visit the Newly Accepted Students page for a checklist to get you started at Hunter College.
New Student Support
If at any point you need support, please reach out to our New Student Liaison at or make an appointment.
Students will attend three orientations to cover all the information needed to start your program:
- General New Student Orientation
- Program Advising Session
- Clinical Experiences and Fingerprinting Orientation
See “Program Related Events” for details about upcoming sessions.
Financing Your Degree
Visit the Financing Your Degree page for information.
Counseling Programs Student Handbook
For information about your program consult the Counseling Programs Student Handbook.
Program Sequences
Consult the program sequences for a suggested order of courses for the program based on start date. It also includes when to take certification exams and apply for clinical experiences in addition to other important non-course requirements. For technical registration support and troubleshooting, please visit the Register for Classes page.
Fall Start
Spring Start
Transfer of Credits
A matriculated student may request a transfer of credit for a graduate-level course completed at another institution. To be eligible, the course must have been taken within the past five years and closely match the content of a required course in the student’s Hunter College program. The request will be reviewed by faculty for equivalence. Each program sets the courses for which a transfer will be considered. Graduate students are limited to 12 transfer credits.
Courses Permitted for Transfer
Graduate students are limited to 12 transfer credits. The program will review transfer of credit requests for the following courses:
- COCO 70000 Life Stage Development
- COCO 70200 Theories of Counseling
- COCO 70300 Psych Social, Cultural, and Political Aspects of Disability: Rehabilitation and Special Education
- COCO 70800 Measurement and Appraisal
- COCO 70900 Research Methods in Counseling
- COCO 71000 Chemical Dependency: Issues in Counseling
- COCO 71100 Supervision and Administration in Counseling
- COCO 71200 Career Counseling, Assessment and Placement
- COCO 71500 Family Systems And Counseling Issues
- COUNR 71600 Resources and Foundations of Rehabilitation
- COUNR 71700 Psychopathology and Diagnosis
- COUNR 72000 Medical Aspects of Disability
Transfer of Credit Not Approved
Transfer of Credit is never approved for the following courses:
- COCO 70100 Counseling Skills and Interviewing Techniques (KC)
- COCO 70600 Group Counseling (KC)
- COCO 70700 Multicultural Aspects of Counseling
- COUNR 71800 Practicum in Counseling (KC)
- COUNR 71900 Advanced Counseling Skills and Contemporary Issues (KC)
- COUNR 72500 Internship in Counseling 1 (KC)
- COUNR 72600 Internship in Counseling 2 (KC)
Transfer of Credit Form
Please complete the Transfer of Credit Request Form, sign digitally, pdf and attach all required documents. Then send it to your faculty advisor for review. Once you obtain your faculty advisor’s signature upload the required form to the School of Education form uploader.
Hunter College Catalog
Use the Hunter College Course Catalog to review descriptions of specific courses and academic progress standards for the program along with exit requirements.
Clinical Experiences
Hunter College Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Program students are required to complete two fieldwork experiences during their academic program: practicum and internship.
Practicum is a one-semester placement, which may be completed in the fall or spring semester. Practicum requires students to be in the field a minimum of 100 hours per semester (approximately one full day each week). There are two corresponding courses required to register for during the practicum semester.
Registration, Application and Placement Processes and Procedures
Registration permission is required to register for Practicum courses. Counseling students are responsible for identifying their placement in collaboration with the fieldwork coordinator. Once placement has been approved, registration permission will be granted.
Students are required to attend one fieldwork orientation session prior to applying for practicum. Of the two sessions scheduled each semester, students may choose one to attend. At this orientation, students will learn about the fieldwork search process and application process. Students are encouraged to apply from the list of pre-approved fieldwork sites, however are allowed to choose a new site to complete fieldwork, pending all requirements may be met at that new site. The Fieldwork Coordinator must vet all new sites for final approval.
Application Deadline
Students may apply for practicum by submitting a complete practicum application by the first Thursday in December or May, the semester prior to starting.
Upon successful completion of practicum, students are eligible to start internship, their second fieldwork experience during their academic program. Internship is a two-consecutive semester placement, which starts in the fall semester and is completed in the spring semester. Internship requires students to be in the field a minimum of 300 hours per semester (approximately three full days each week). There is one corresponding course required to register for during each internship semester.
Registration, Application and Placement Processes and Procedures
Registration permission is required to register for Practicum and Internship courses. Counseling students are responsible for identifying their placement in collaboration with the fieldwork coordinator. Once placement has been approved, registration permission will be granted.
Application Deadline
Students must apply for internship by submitting a complete internship application by the first Thursday in May, the semester prior to starting.
Fieldwork Manual
For additional information regarding clinical experiences consult the Counseling Program Fieldwork Manual.
Graduation is the official completion of your program and conferral of an academic degree. In order to graduate, students must apply for graduation using CUNYFirst the semester before the semester of their planned graduation and complete any outstanding requirements by the stated deadlines. Visit the Graduation and Commencement page for complete information.
Credential and Certification
Students in this program may take the national certification examination for the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) status after completing 75% of their course work.
Certified Rehabilitation counselors (CRCs) are the only professional counselors educated and trained at the graduate-level who possess the specialized knowledge, skills and attitudes to work collaboratively with individuals with disabilities. Through a comprehensive unique counseling process, rehabilitation counselors help individuals with disabilities achieve their personal, social, psychological, career, and independent living goals. Rehabilitation counselors are the bridge between the individual and self-sufficiency, helping their clients live fully integrated lives.
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) certification is the gold standard. Certified Rehabilitation counselors (CRCs) are the highly sought-after rehabilitation counseling experts. They possess insights and dedication to achieve successful rehabilitation outcomes, offer a dynamic level of focus to serve individuals in need of rehabilitation services addressing personal, social, and vocational goals.
Eligibility and Requirements
Chi Sigma Iota, Counseling Honor Society International
Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) is an international organization that has more than 400 chapters. Our local chapter at Hunter is a student-run organization that aims to build connections among counseling students, faculty, and alumni. We host various workshops and social events during the semesters. Learn more via the Chi Sigma Iota website.
Eligibility for membership is extended to those students who:
- have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better on a scale of 4.0
- had completed at least 12 credits
- and is deemed promising for endorsement as a professional counselor whose ethical judgment and behavior will be exemplary.
Chapter Faculty Advisors are Dr. GoEun Na and Dr. Jen Yung-Chen Chiu
Advanced Certificate in Mental Health Counseling
Candidates who complete a Master’s in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling may pursue a one-year Advanced Certificate in Mental Health Counseling to become eligible for the Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) credential in New York State.