Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Hunter’s internationally recognized TESOL programs provide teachers the knowledge and credentials they need for success in the English as a New Language (ENL) classroom. Whether beginning a new career or pursuing advanced training, students may choose from a range of specialized programs depending on their professional goals: teaching ENL learners in Pre-K-12 settings, co-teaching ENL learners within content area classrooms, teaching English as a Foreign Language, literacy ENL for adults, and academic ENL in pre-college programs. In addition to classroom teachers, graduates have become administrators, editors, ENL curriculum developers, and instructional coaches throughout the US and abroad.
In our TESOL programs, students learn the research-based teaching practices most effective for their intended learner population. Rigorous coursework emphasizes theory and practice. Extensive fieldwork opportunities include New York City classroom observations, the Study Abroad programs, and Service Learning Travel Courses. While receiving a world-class education with high rates of job placement, students become part of a lasting professional network of current students, alumni, and faculty.
Which TESOL Program is right for me?
The TESOL program at Hunter college offers several distinct programs designed to prepare teachers of English as a new language. If you are not sure which program is right for you, please read further to explore our options.
If you are interested in becoming a teacher of English as a New Language to adult learners, and are not seeking New York State ESOL certification, we offer a Master’s Degree in TESOL with a specialization in Adult Learners. In this program we welcome both experienced teachers and those new to the field. A key component of this program is our laboratory school, the Community Outreach Program in English, where our student teachers observe and teach adult learners of English.
If you are interested in becoming a certified PreK-12 teacher in New York public schools, and do not currently hold a certification in another area, we offer two programs. Most students will be interested in our Master of Arts in TESOL leading to ENL certification. This program will prepare you for entry to a career in TESOL in the public school system and includes coursework in teacher preparation as well as content courses in linguistic theory and application to classroom settings. The second option leading to initial teacher certification is our Advanced Certificate in TESOL for individuals who already possess an MA degree in TESOL or Applied Linguistics but need ESOL certification and PreK12-specific teacher preparation.
If you are currently a PreK-12 New York State certified teacher (or are on track to completing a teacher preparation program), and you are interested in ESOL as an additional certification, we offer three programs to fit your needs. First, we offer a full Master of Arts in TESOL leading to ENL certification – this program is best for students who do not possess an MA in their area of initial certification or anyone desiring the most thorough TESOL teacher preparation. Second, we offer an Advanced Certificate in TESOL leading to additional ENL certification – this is a shorter course of study designed for teachers who are already certified and possess an MA in their area of initial certification and desire the quickest path to ESOL as additional certification.
Programs in TESOL include:
TESOL PreK-12 MA (for NYS certified teachers)
TESOL Advanced Certificate ITI (for DOE Teachers)
TESOL Advanced Certificate (for applicants with MA in TESOL/Linguistics)