Leadership Programs


Hunter’s educational leadership programs, designed for the working professional, prepare New York State-certified teachers and pupil personnel providers for a broad range of school and district leadership roles in urban schools and districts.

There are two distinct Educational Leadership SBL/SDL master’s degree programs: Administration and Supervision (ADSUP) and Collaborative Leadership Advancing School Success (CLASS).

So what distinguishes the two programs, and how can you determine which is best for you?

ADSUP is our more traditional program, with individual courses focused on discrete topics and taught by instructors/professors with expertise in that area. ADSUP includes a course on Supervision, for example, and another focused on school operations.

CLASS is our less traditional, hands-on program, with courses organized around a model of leading for equity-focused continuous improvement called Strategic Inquiry. While the same standards are addressed in both programs, courses in CLASS form an integrated whole and are led by one instructor/professor with expertise in this leadership model.

Additionally, we offer an Advanced Certificate program in School District Leadership.

Attend an information session to learn more about the differences between the programs to determine which program to apply for.

Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision (ADSUP)

The dual certification School Building Leader (SBL) School District Leader (SDL) program is designed to prepare school and district leaders with the knowledge and skills to create and achieve goals that target all aspects of leadership at the building and district levels. ADSUP focuses on the skills and knowledge stated by national leadership standards (ELCC and PSEL) with discrete courses taught by educators with expertise in the particular content of each course. Emphases in our courses include social-emotional learning and culturally responsive environments. Graduates have gone on to succeed in public, charter, independent, and parochial educational settings, as well as district administration offices.

Upon completing the two-year program, graduates will receive a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and recommendation for New York State School Building Leader (SBL) and School District Leader (SDL) certifications.

Applications are accepted for Fall and Spring semesters.

Program Leader: Nell Scharff Panero at hscharff@hunter.cuny.edu

Learn more about admission requirements and how to apply. 

Educational Leadership: Collaborative Leadership to Advance School Success (CLASS)

Collaborative Leadership to Advance School Success (CLASS) is a non-traditional, research-based approach to school and district leadership development. It is grounded in a proven model of equity-focused improvement (strategic inquiry) in which participants improve performance for historically underserved students and re-design systems to better serve these and all students. The program is hands-on (participants learn leadership by leading), within an integrated set of courses led by an instructor who is an experienced leader and an expert in our model who comes to know you, your school, and the cohort well. Graduates are prepared to successfully inhabit a wide variety of leadership roles. Classes meet one evening per week either in-person or online.

Upon completion of the two-year program, graduates will receive a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and recommendation for New York State School Building Leader (SBL) and School District Leader (SDL) certifications.

For more information or if you are interested in speaking with a CLASS graduate or attending a CLASS session, contact the Program Leader, Kathleen Smith at ks286@hunter.cuny.edu.

Learn more about admission requirements and how to apply. 

School District Leadership

The School District Leadership Program (SDL) is designed for those educators who hold the School Building Leader (SBL) certification and wish to obtain this additional certification to be eligible to fill positions beyond the building level. These district-level positions may take several forms such as Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of schools, coordinator, director, and supervisor of district programs including English Language Learners, Gifted Education, Early College, Guidance Services, and Students with Special Needs.

Upon successful completion of the two-semester program, graduates will receive an Advanced Certificate in School District Leadership and a recommendation for New York State School District Leader (SDL) certification.

Program Leader: Nell Scharff Panero at hscharff@hunter.cuny.edu

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