Special Education (All Grades) (Advanced Certificate)


Welcome to the Special Education (All Grades) (Advanced Certificate) program home page. Use this page as a guide to the program from acceptance to graduation.

Academic Plan


Total Credits

17 credits

Program Code for Certification



  • Gina Riley, Program Liaison
  • Pending, Faculty Advisor and Clinical Placement Specialist
  • Nora McCormick, Certification, Graduation and Administrative Advisor

Newly Accepted Students

Program Sequences

The program sequences provide a suggested order of education courses for the program based on start date. It also includes when to take certification exams and apply for clinical experiences in addition to other important non-course requirements. For technical registration support and troubleshooting, please visit the Register for Classes page.

Transfer of Credits

Transfer of Credit

A matriculated student may request a transfer of credit for a graduate-level course completed at another institution. To be eligible, the course must have been taken within the past five years and closely match the content of a required course in the student’s Hunter College program. The request will be reviewed by faculty for equivalence. Each program sets the courses for which a transfer will be considered. Advanced Certificate graduate students are limited to 9 transfer credits.

Hunter College Catalog

Use the Hunter College Course Catalog to review descriptions of specific courses and academic progress standards for the program along with exit requirements.

Clinical Experiences

Students participate in developmental field experiences (fieldwork).


Fieldwork is a classroom experience in a New York State Public School in conjunction with a course. Select courses have fieldwork requirements.


Graduation is the official completion of your program and conferral of an academic degree. In order to graduate, students must apply for graduation using CUNYFirst the semester before the semester of their planned graduation and complete any outstanding requirements by the stated deadlines. Visit the Graduation and Commencement page for complete information.

Certification and Licensure

The Special Education (All Grades) (Advanced Certificate) program leads to New York State certification in Students with Disabilities Gr. P-12 (All Grades). Students must wait to apply for certification until they receive an email from the School of Education indicating their recommendation has been entered. This usually occurs six to eight weeks after the conferral of your degree.

Types of Certification

Students are recommended for both initial and professional certification:

  • The Initial Certificate is the entry-level teaching certificate and is valid for five years. Students who graduate from a Hunter master’s degree certification program without prior certification will be recommended for initial certification.
  • The Professional Certificate is an advanced certificate. Once teachers have completed three years of full-time, paid teaching experience including one year of mentored teaching, they can apply for professional certification.

Application Checklist

Additional Resources