NYC Teaching Collaborative – Childhood Special Education D75 (MSEd)


This Childhood Special Education program is no longer accepting new applications for admission as the program prepares to transition to a Special Education (all grades) program.

Welcome to the NYC Teaching Collaborative – Childhood Special Education D75 (MSEd) program home page. Use this page as a guide to the program from acceptance to graduation.

The New York City Teaching Collaborative is an alternative certification program leading to New York State teacher certification.  The Teaching Collaborative is offered in partnership with the New York City Department of Education. Participants, or Partner Teachers, spend a full spring semester as an apprentice in a high-need NYC public school before becoming a full-time teacher.  During this apprentice semester, Partner Teachers are supervised, mentored, and coached by Collaborative Coaches, who are experienced classroom teachers. Partner Teacher enroll in a master’s program and receive continuous supervision and professional development through Hunter and the Teaching Collaborative program. Tuition costs are subsidized at approximately 50% by the NYCDOE and students are not responsible for any tuition payments until they begin teaching full-time and earning a full-time teacher’s salary. Upon successful completion of the program, students earn a master’s degree and are eligible for New York State initial teacher certification.

Academic Plan


Total Credits



Newly Accepted Partnership Program Students

Program Sequence

The program advisor will notify students of their cohort’s particular course of study before registering for classes. Program sequence is subject to change. To view course descriptions, progress standards and exit requirements visit the catalog.

Clinical Experiences

Certification and Licensure

The New York City Teaching Collaborative program is a New York State certification program for Childhood Education and Childhood Special Education (MSED). You will apply for your certification through the New York State Education Department (NYSED) TEACH Online Services.

You will apply for a Transitional B at the beginning of the program and will apply for Initial Certification upon graduation. Once you have completed three years of full-time paid teaching experience you can apply for your Professional Certification.

Please note, the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) will no longer be a certification requirement as of April 27, 2022. Visit the Certification and Licensure page for more information regarding this change.


Graduation is the official completion of your program and conferral of an academic degree. In order to graduate, students must apply for graduation using CUNYFirst the semester before the semester of their planned graduation and complete any outstanding requirements by the stated deadlines. Visit the Graduation and Commencement page for complete information.

Program Related Events