M.A. TESOL Adult Program Holds Successful Professional Development Conference
On April 20, 2019, the M.A. TESOL Adult Program held its 6th Annual HATTSG (Hunter Adult TESOL Teacher Support Group) Professional Development Mini-Conference: “Building Communities Through Digital Literacy.” In attendance were ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers and supervisors. Workshops were presented by TESOL Program students and generated a rich exchange of ideas among participants to identify new and different ways to support literacy-based and pre-college academic ESL instruction through digital media platforms.
Topics included, Merging 21st Century Pedagogy with Digital Literacy by Ilya Gogin, Invigorating Digital Storytelling as an Academic Tool by Dinara Gilmanova, and Text me Tonight: Texting to Practice English and Make Friends by Leanora Guggenheimer. The success of the HATTSG Mini-conference was due primarily to the leadership of the HATTSG Executive Planning Committee of TESOL students (Cruz Esquilin, Genie Smiddy, Mark Romig, Raj Srinivasan) who worked as a team to ensure all details proceeded smoothly.
Conference Coordinator and HATTSG Advisor: Virginia M. Tong, Advisor, Hunter M.A. TESOL Adult Program