East Harlem Teaching Residency – Adolescent Special Education (MSEd)
The Adolescent Special Education program is no longer accepting new applications for admission as the program prepares to transition to a Special Education (all grades) program.
The East Harlem Teaching Residency, a partnership between the East Harlem Tutorial Program (EHTP) and Hunter College School of Education, is a highly selective teacher training program that develops, supports, and certifies aspiring educators to become elementary special educators in New York.
The Residency is an innovative, cohort-based teacher-training pathway for recent college graduates and career changers that develops, supports, and certifies aspiring educators to become inclusive learning teachers for East Harlem Scholars Academies and the greater East Harlem community. The program aims to improve educational outcomes for East Harlem students and increase the number of highly effective teachers serving East Harlem.
Over the course of the 28-month program, Residents co-teach a class in grades 7 through 12 at East Harlem Scholars Academies. Additionally, they receive a $45,000/year stipend and health insurance as well as a approximately $5,000 per year in tuition subsidy towards their Master’s degree and recommendation for certification in Adolescent Special Education from Hunter College upon completion of the program.
Academic Plan
Total Credits
- Gina Riley, Faculty Advisor
- Morgan Bondy, Assistant Director and Advisor
- Alissa Herbert, Certification, Graduation and Administrative Advisor
Newly Accepted Partnership Program Students
Getting Started and New Student Support
Welcome to the School of Education! Visit the Newly Accepted Partnership Program Students page for next steps. If at any point you need support, please reach out to the Office of Partnership Program Advisor at soe.opp@hunter.cuny.edu.
Program Sequence
East Harlem Teaching Residency is a cohorted program, and the program advisor will discuss each cohort’s particular course of study at the start of the program and before class registration. Program sequence is subject to change. To view course descriptions, progress standards and exit requirements visit the Hunter College catalog.
Program Sequence
- CEDF 71500 – Diversity in American Schools (3 credits)
- SPED 78000 – Study of Learning Disabilities (3 credits)
- SPED 70050 – Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of General and Special Education
- SPED 70200 – Classroom Management in Special Education & Inclusive Settings (3 credits)
- SPED 77100 – Methods of Teaching Reading to Students with Learning Disabilities (3 credits)
- SPED 77600 -Writing and Executive Function for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities (2 credits)
- SPED 78900 – Special Education Practicum: Year One (1 credit) – taken in both fall and spring semesters
- SPED 70450 – Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (3 credits)
- SPED 77300 – Methods of Teaching Math, and Organization to Students with Learning Disabilities (2 credits)
- EDLIT 75500 – Literacy for Struggling Readers/Writers (3 credits)
- SEDC 71800 – Science Curriculum and Methods (3 credits)
- SEDF 71400 – Adolescent Development & Learning (3 credits)
- SPED 70100 – Assessment of Students with Disabilities (3 credits)
- SPED 77700 – Supervised Clinical Teaching of Students with Learning Disabilities (Learning Lab Part 1) (1.5 credits)
- SPED 77700 – Supervised Clinical Teaching of Students with Learning Disabilities (Learning Lab Part 2) (1.5 credits)
- SEDC 71600 – Math Curriculum and Methods (3 credits)
- SEDC 71700 – Social Studies Curriculum and Methods (3 credits)
Clinical Experiences
First Summer – Preservice Fieldwork
As required by New York State law governing alternative certification programs, you will participate in pre-service fieldwork during your first summer. You will be placed in a summer school setting where you will begin to learn and develop your pedagogical skills. Placement for pre-service summer fieldwork is managed by EHTP.
Residency Year
During your residency year, all fieldwork requirements are embedded in your residency placement. You are not required to complete additional fieldwork beyond your residency.
Certification and Licensure
The East Harlem Teaching Residency is a New York State certification program for Adolescent Special Education (MSED) and you will apply for your certification through the New York State Education Department (NYSED) TEACH Online Services.
You will apply for a Transitional B at the beginning of the program and will apply for Initial Certification upon graduation. Once you have completed three years of full-time paid teaching experience you can apply for your Professional Certification.
Please note, the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) will no longer be a certification requirement as of April 27, 2022. Visit the Certification and Licensure page for more information regarding this change.
Types of Certification
The School of Education reserves the right not to recommend for certification any student who has committed a serious breach of professional ethics or behavior.
Transitional B Certificate
A Transitional B certificate is a provisional certificate that you must hold while enrolled in an alternative certification program like the East Harlem Teaching Residency. It is valid for three years or the amount of time it takes you to graduate from Hunter College, whichever is shorter.
Candidates apply and pay for their Transitional B certificate at the beginning of the program.Initial Certification
The Initial Certificate is the entry-level teaching certificate. When you graduate from the East Harlem Teaching Residency program, you will receive a recommendation for both initial and professional certification in Adolescent Special Education. You must apply for the initial certificate when you are preparing to graduate from Hunter College in order for the state to issue your initial certification. Once issued, your initial certificate is valid for five years.
Professional Certification
The Professional Certificate is an advanced certification. Once you have completed three years of full-time, paid teaching experience (including one year of mentored teaching), you can apply for professional certification. Your professional certification will be continuously valid with completion and documentation of required professional development hours within a five-year professional development cycle as determined by New York State.
Certification and Exam Requirements
Transitional B Requirements
You must fulfill the following certificate and exam requirements to be eligible for the Transitional B certificate.
1. Pass all required New York State Teacher Certification Exams
- Educating All Students (EAS)
- Content Specialty Test (CST): Multi-Subject: Secondary Teachers (Grades 7-12). Please note there are three parts of this test (test codes 241, 244, and 245). You may register to take one part at a time or all three parts together, but you must pass all three parts before you are eligible for your Transitional B.
Students who have completed Educating All Students (EAS) for a prior certification do not need to take them again.
Exam Registration, Test Preparation and Safety Nets
Register for an exam at the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations website. Need help preparing? Learn about upcoming Test Preparation Workshops.
Hunter International Students who hold F1 Visas but do not have a Social Security number must email soeoasa@hunter.cuny.edu to request a TEACH Access Number (TAN). The TEACH Access Number (TAN) must be used in lieu of a Social Security Number for registering for New York State Teacher Certification exams and applying for New York State (NYS) certification.
If you get a Social Security Number, you must update your information on your TEACH Account by requesting a Social Security Number change via the New York State Education Department. You must also update the information on your New York State (NYS) Teacher Certification Exam account. Your social security number will replace your TEACH Access Number (TAN).
For information regarding exam safety nets consult the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
2. Complete NY State Certification required workshops and submit completion certificates to the Office of Partnership Programs.
All applications for NY State certification require that students take and complete the workshops listed below. Students who have completed these workshops for a prior certification, do not need to take them again.
School Violence Intervention and Prevention
This workshop is included in coursework for your program.
Child Abuse Identification and Reporting
This workshop is included in coursework for your program.
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Workshop
Students may take this workshop with an approved provider through the New York State Education Department (NYSED) website.
3. Submit Exam Scores and Workshop Certification(s) to the Office of Partnership Programs.
Students must submit copies of exam scores and workshop certification(s) to the Office of Partnership Programs at soe.opp@hunter.cuny.edu.
4. Clear fingerprints with the New York State Education Department (NYSED)
All students in programs leading to NYS certification need to have their fingerprints cleared by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) for NYS certification.
This requirement will be completed as part of your employment process with the East Harlem Scholars Academies.
5. Apply and pay for your Transitional B certification by December 15 through the New York State Education Department (NYSED) TEACH Account.
Initial Certification Requirements
As you prepare to complete your program, you must meet the following requirements to be eligible for the Initial Certification:
- Apply and pay for Initial Certificate through your TEACH account.
- Graduate from a New York State-registered teacher preparation program
Professional Certification Requirements
Once you have completed three years of full-time, paid teaching experience (including one year of mentored teaching), you can apply for professional certification.
Submitting Exam Scores and Workshop Completion
Students must submit copies of exam scores and workshop certification(s) to the Office of Partnership Programs via Alissa Herbert at ah420@hunter.cuny.edu.
Applying for Certification through TEACH Account and Program Code
How to Apply for Certification
The following is a step-by-step guide to apply for Transitional B, Initial and Professional certification through the New York State Department of Education’s TEACH Account.
1. Create/Log in to your TEACH Account
Students must create/log in to their New York State Education Department (NYSED) TEACH Account. From your Teach Online Services Home page, select Apply for Certificate which is found under “Online Application”. This will start a new application.
Hunter International Students who hold F1 Visas but do not have a Social Security number must email soeoasa@hunter.cuny.edu to request a TEACH Access Number (TAN). The TEACH Access Number (TAN) must be used in lieu of a Social Security Number to apply for New York State (NYS) certification.
If you get a Social Security Number, you must update your information on your TEACH Account by requesting a Social Security Number change via the New York State Education Department. You must also update the information on your New York State (NYS) Teacher Certification Exam account. Your social security number will replace your TEACH Access Number (TAN).
2. Verify/Update Profile
The Verify/Update Profile section will ask for education and employment history. For educational history, provide information from bachelor’s degree to present. For employment history enter all full-time, paid teaching experiences in both public and private schools.
Hunter College is an approved New York Teacher Certification Program. When prompted, provide the following information:
- Award Title: Master of Science in Education
- Major: Education
- Enter all full-time, paid teaching experience (in both public and private schools).
3. Select Certificate(s)
Enter the following information for the certificates section.
Transitional B
- Select your Area of Interest: Classroom Teacher
- Select your Subject Area: Students with Disabilities
- Select the Grade Level: Adolescent – Grades 7-12
- Select the Title: Students with Disabilities – Grades 7-12 Generalist
- Select your Certificate Type: Transitional B
Initial Certification
Upon graduation, when you apply for Initial Certification complete this section as follows:
- Select your Area of Interest: Classroom Teacher
- Select your Subject Area: Students with Disabilities
- Select the Grade Level: Adolescent – Grades 7-12
- Select the Title: Students with Disabilities – Grades 7-12 Generalist
- Select your Certificate Type: Initial
Professional Certification
After three years of full-time paid teaching when you apply for your Professional Certification complete this section as follows:
- Select your Area of Interest: Classroom Teacher
- Select your Subject Area: Students with Disabilities
- Select the Grade Level: Adolescent – Grades 7-12
- Select the Title: Students with Disabilities – Grades 7-12 Generalist
- Select your Certificate Type: Professional
On the next page, enter the Program Code 34443.
4. Sign Affidavit
5. Confirm and Sign Application
6. Make Payment
We recommend paying by credit card for ease of tracking.
7. Review Application Transaction Summary
This will help you keep track of what you need to do in order to obtain your certificate.
Checking Certificate Status in TEACH Account
Transitional B Certificate
We will submit your institutional recommendation after you have completed all Transitional B certification requirements. New York State will then review your application and if you have met all requirements issue your Transitional B certificate. Please note that New York State does not issue paper copies of Transitional B certificates. You must check your TEACH account for your certification status.
Initial Certificate
If you have applied for a certificate but have not yet graduated, the status of your certificate application will be “Not Ready for Review”. Once your graduation is posted, have met all the requirements and have institutional recommendation, your status will change to “Ready for Review” and NYSED will then review your application.
Expiring Transitional B Certifications
If you have a valid transitional B certificate but will not graduate in time to meet the master’s requirement before your Transitional B certificate expires, you may be eligible for an extension through NYSED’s TEACH Online Services. Create/Log in to your TEACH account and select “Apply for a Time Extension.”
Out of State Certification or Licensure
Students applying for certification or licensure in states other than New York must complete the Out of State Certification and Licensure Form.
Hunter International Students (F1 Visa Holder) Certification or Licensure
Hunter International Students who hold F1 Visas but do not have a Social Security number must email soeoasa@hunter.cuny.edu to request a TEACH Access Number (TAN). The TEACH Access Number (TAN) must be used in lieu of a Social Security Number for all processes involving certification such as fingerprinting, creating your TEACH Account, registering for New York State Teacher Certification exams, and applying for New York State (NYS) certification.
If you get a Social Security Number, you must update your information on your TEACH Account by requesting a Social Security Number change via the New York State Education Department. You must also update the information on your New York State (NYS) Teacher Certification Exam account. Your social security number will replace your TEACH Access Number (TAN).
Certification Support
If you have questions regarding certification, contact Alissa Herbert for support.
Graduation is the official completion of your program and conferral of an academic degree. In order to graduate, students must apply for graduation using CUNYFirst the semester before the semester of their planned graduation and complete any outstanding requirements by the stated deadlines. Visit the Graduation and Commencement page for complete information.