Amanda Crowell

Doctoral Lecturer
PhD/MPhil- Teachers College Columbia
MA- Boston College
BA- University of Dayton
Undergraduate Child Development
- Crowell, A & Felton, M. (Under review at Psychological Science)
- Crowell, A., & Schunn, C. (2016). Unpacking the relationship between science education and scientific literacy. Research in Science Education, 46(1), 129-140.
- Felton, M., Crowell, A. & Liu, T. (2015). Arguing to Agree: Mitigating myside bias through consensus seeking dialogue. Written Communication. 32(3), 317- 331.
- Bathgate, M., Crowell, A., Cannady, M., Dorph, R. & Schunn, C. (2015). The Learning Benefits of
- Being Willing and Able to Engage in Scientific Argumentation. International Journal of Science Education, 37(10), 1590-1612.
- Crowell, A. & Kuhn, D. (2014). Developing Dialogic Argumentation: A three-year intervention study. Cognition and Development, 15(2), 363-381.
- Crowell, A., & Schunn, C. (2014). The context-specificity of scientifically literate action: Key barriers and facilitators across context and content. Public Understanding of Science, 23(6), 718-733.
- Kuhn, D., Zilmer, N., Crowell, A., & Zavala, J. (2013). Developing Norms of Argumentation: A Metacognitive Dimension of Developing Argumentive Competence. Cognition and Instruction, 31(4),456-496.
- Kuhn, D., & Crowell, A. (2011). Dialogic Argumentation as a Vehicle for Developing Young Adolescents’ Thinking. Psychological Science 22(4), 545–552.
- Kuhn, D., & Holman (Crowell), A. (2011). What are the cognitive skills adolescents need for life in the 21st century? In E. Amsel & J. Smetana (Eds.), Adolescent vulnerabilities and opportunities: Constructivist developmental perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Goldstein, M., Crowell, A., & Kuhn, D. (2009). What Constitutes Skilled Argumentation and How Does it Develop? Informal Logic, 29(4), 379-395.