Pam Randazzo

2022-2023 Gray Fellow
Pam Randazzo started her career as a music teacher in the Bronx. She was charged with starting music programs in schools across the city. After several years in the Bronx, she headed to Brooklyn to continue to spread the arts to young people. She realized early on in her career that as important as aesthetics were, she had no control over arts programs as a teacher, so she attended the Principal’s Institute at Bank Street College to become a leader advocating for the arts, so she could have more of an impact. Following her graduation from Bank Street, Ms. Randazzo became the AP at the Brooklyn School for Music and Theatre, where she then became the Principal for the past 15 years, with a focus on Music, Theatre and spreading the arts to all. Over the years she has been accepted to Harvard Institutes for new leaders, an amazing cohort of women, and urban leaders. She is currently finishing her Doctorate at Fordham University with a degree in Urban Leadership. Her love for the arts and for sharing aesthetics with young people across the city has dominated her career and fuels her energy to continue to be the principal of the Brooklyn School for Music and Theatre for now and years to come.