Program Sequence for Fall 24 Admits – Dance Education (MA)


This is a suggested course of study for full time students admitted in Fall 24. Students should consult with their faculty advisor to create an individualized course sequence. Part time registration is available upon consultation with program advisor after admission.

Academic Plan

  • Track 1: DANEDLNYSC for those with at least 34 credits in Dance but who do not have New York State (NYS) certification in Dance

Total Credits


Academic and Professional Milestones Prior to Semester 1

  • Students must comply and complete the fingerprinting process prior to enrolling in courses. For further information, visit the Fingerprinting page. 

Fall Semester 1

Total Credits



  • SEDF 70300 – Social Foundations of Adolescent Education, 3 credits
  • CEDF 71300 – Child & Adolescent Development, 3 credits
    • Often offered in Summer also
  • DAN 70100 – Embodied Research Practices (taken 2 times), 2 credits
  • DAN 73000 – Studies of Forms, 3 credits

Academic and Professional Milestones

  • Students must apply for clinical experience courses for next semester. Refer to the program home page for full policies and procedures.

Spring Semester 1

Total Credits


Total Semester Clinical Hours



  • DANED 76000 – Dance Methods I: Curriculum Design and Pedagogy for Productive Teaching and Learning, 3 credits
    • Offered Spring Only
  • EDUC 70800 – Clinical Experiences 1 (PK-12)(KC), 0 credits
    • 50 hours of clinical experiences
  • EDUC 71500 – Supporting Multilingual Learners Across The Curriculum, 3 credits
  • SEDC 71000 – Building the Foundations of Literacy in Adolescent Education, 3 credits
    • Also offered in Summer
  • DAN 74600 – Special Topics in Dance, 3 credits
    • Offered Spring Only
    • This course culminates in a performance open to the public at the end of the semester
  • DAN 73500 – Performance and Presentation, 1 credit
    • Offered Spring Only
    • This course culminates in a performance open to the public at the end of the semester

Academic and Professional Milestones

  • Students must apply for clinical experience courses for next semester. Refer to the program home page for full policies and procedures.

Summer Semester

Total Credits



  • DAN 70500 – Maintenance of the Dancer’s Instrument, 3 credits
    • Offered Summer Only
  • DAN 74200 – Graduate Dance History, 3 credits
    • Offered Summer Only

Academic and Professional Milestones

  • Students must apply for clinical experience courses for next semester. Refer to the program home page for full policies and procedures.

Fall Semester 2

Total Credits


Total Semester Clinical Hours



  • DANED 76200 – Dance Methods II: Advanced Curriculum Design and Pedagogy for Productive Teaching and Learning, 3 credits
    • Offered Fall Only
  • EDUC 70900 – Clinical Experiences 2 (PK-12)(KC), 0 credits
    • Number of Clinical hours: 50
  • SPED 70800 – Teaching Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings, 3 credits
  • DAN 74000 – Aesthetics, 3 credits
    • Offered Fall Only
  • SEDF 72000 – Educational Psychology: Learning and Motivation, 3 credits

Academic and Professional Milestones

  • Students must apply for Student/Supervised Teaching for next semester. Refer to the program home page for full policies and procedures.
  • Students must take and pass Content Specialty Test (CST) – Dance before applying for Student Teaching.
  • Students must take and pass Educating All Students (EAS) Exam before applying for Student Teaching.
  • Students must satisfy any outstanding Admission Conditions, if applicable.
  • Students must apply for graduation the semester before their planned graduation. Refer to the Graduation page for full policies and procedures.
  • Students must complete an e-Portfolio in Methods II – DANED 76200 – A collection of dance curriculum assignments and recordings of performances and choreographic work. The e-portfolio is complete and assessed during Methods II as part of the coursework.

Spring Semester 2

Total Credits


Total Semester Clinical Hours

60 days


  • DANED 76605 – Student Teaching in Dance Grades PreK-12 (KC), 4 credits
    • Student teachers are in assigned school five days per week for 60 days
  • DAN 70100 – Embodied Research Practices (taken 2 times), 2 credits
  • EDUC 72000 – DASA, Health & Safety in Birth through 21, 0 credits

Academic and Professional Milestones

  • Students apply for certification after degree has been conferred. You will receive an email once Hunter’s recommendation has been entered on your TEACH Account with the steps to apply. Refer to the Certification and Licensure page for more information.