Maite (María Teresa) Sánchez

Maite Sánchez

Assistant Professor of Bilingual Education
Tuesdays 3-6 pm

Dr. Maite (María Teresa) Sánchez is an Assistant Professor of Bilingual Education with the department of Curriculum and Teaching and works to support the provision of policies and practices for educating language minoritized students that acknowledge and leverage their dynamic bilingual practices. Before joining Hunter College, she was Project Director for CUNY-NYSIEB, CUNY-New York State Initiative for Emergent Bilinguals (CUNY-NYSIEB) at the CUNY Graduate Center ( Before arriving to New York, she was a Senior Research Associate at Education Development Center (EDC). Originally from Lima, Peru, Dr. Sánchez holds a Ph.D. in education from Boston College, a M.Ed. in education from Northeastern University, and a B.A in psychology from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Her research focuses on language education policy and practice, instruction for language minoritized students through bilingual education and other educational settings, translanguaging pedagogy, and the experiences of novice bilingual education teachers entering the profession.


Ph.D. in education from Boston College
M.Ed. in education from Northeastern University
B.A in psychology from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


My course teaching focuses on the history of educational policies for language minoritized students, policies and practices in bilingual education and English as a New (or Second) Language, and dynamic bilingual practices and pedagogies.
Courses: BILED 701, BILED 778


My research focuses on language education policy and practice, instruction for language minoritized students through bilingual education and other educational settings, translanguaging pedagogy, and the experiences of novice bilingual education teachers entering the profession.


Selected Publications:

  • Sánchez, M. T. & García, O. (Eds.) (2022). Transformative translanguaging espacios: Latinx students and their teachers rompiendo fronteras sin miedo. Multilingual Matters. Chapters in this book:
    • Sánchez, M. T. & García, O. Introducción (pp. 1-15).
    • García, O. & Sánchez, M. T. The making of the language of U.S. Latinx: Translanguaging tejidos (pp. 19-44).
    • Sánchez, M. T., Espinet. I. & Hunt, V. Student inquiry into the language practices de la comunidad: Rompiendo fronteras in a dual language bilingual program (pp. 134-155).
    • Sánchez, M. T. Setting a path for transformación (pp. 277-291).
  • Sánchez, M. T. (2021). Foreword: When docenti, studenti e le loro famiglie build una comunidad educativa plurilingue. V. Carbonara & A. Schibetta (Eds.), Unu, dy, sān! Proposte operative per la didattica plurilingue nella scuola del primo ciclo (pp. 9-10). Edizioni La Linea.
  • Sánchez, M. T., & Espinet, I. (2021). Transforming our classrooms to embrace the students’ multilingualism through translanguaging pedagogy. In L. Mary, A. Young & A. Krüger (Eds.), Migration, multilingualism and education: Perspectives on inclusion (pp. 169-184). Multilingual Matters.
  • The CUNY-NYSIEB Team (Eds.). (2020). Translanguaging and transformative teaching for emergent bilingual students: Lessons from the CUNY-NYSIEB project. Routledge. Chapters in this book:
    • Kleyn, T. & Sánchez, M. T. The backdrop and roadmap of a translanguaging project (pp. 41-50).
    • Espinet, I., Flores, N., Sánchez, M. T., & Seltzer, K. Different leaderships: Different times (pp. 53-66).
    • Sánchez, M. T. & Menken, K. Emergent Bilingual Leadership Teams: Distributed leadership in CUNY-NYSIEB schools (pp. 67-77).
    • Espinet, I., Aponte, G. Y., Sánchez, M. T., Figueroa, D. C. & Busone-Rodríguez, A. Interrogating language ideologies in the primary grades: A community language inquiry unit (pp. 219-238).
    • Espinosa, C. M., Ascenzi-Moreno, L., Kleyn, T. & Sánchez, M. T. Transforming urban teacher education: The City University of New York (pp. 257-270).
  • Menken, K., & Sánchez, M.T. (2019). Translanguaging in English-only schools: From pedagogy to stance in the disruption of monolingual policies and practices. TESOL Quarterly, 53(3), 741-767.
  • Sánchez, M. T. & Menken, K. (2019). Ofelia García and the CUNY-NYSIEB Community: Symbiosis in furthering translanguaging pedagogy and practice. Journal of Multilingual Research and Practice, 9 (Article 12), 156-173.
  • Collins, B., Sánchez, M.T., & España, C. (2019). Sustaining and developing teachers’ dynamic bilingualism in a re-designed bilingual teacher preparation program. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
  • Sánchez, M.T., García, O. & Solorza, C. (2018). Reframing language allocation policy in dual language bilingual education. Bilingual Research Journal, 41(1), 37-51.
  • García, O., & Sánchez, M.T. (2018). Transformando la educación de bilingües emergentes en el estado de Nueva York. Language, Education, and Multilingualism, 1, 138-156.
  • Sánchez, M.T. (2016). Introduzione. In L. Sanfelici, L., & E. Firpo (Eds.) La visione eteroglossica del bilinguismo: spagnolo lingua d’origine e Italstudio. Modelli e prospettive tra gli Stati Uniti e l’Italia (pp. 11-13). LED.
  • Menken, K., & Sánchez, M. T. (2016). Foreword. In O. García & T. Kleyn (Eds.) Translanguaging with multilingual students: Learning from classroom moments (pp. 223-227). Routledge.
  • García, O., & Sánchez, M.T. (2015). Transforming schools with emergent bilinguals: The CUNY-NYSIEB Project. In I. Dirim et al. (Eds.) Impulse für die migrationsgesellschaft. Bildung, politik, und religion (pp. 80-94). Waxmann; Münster, Germany.

CUNY-New York State Initiative for Emergent Bilinguals (CUNY-NYSIEB) Continuation I and Continuation II Grants. Funded by New York State Education Department for period July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2016 (Continuation I) and July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2019 (Continuation II). New York State Education Department, Professional Development Grant, The Graduate Center, CUNY