Yang Hu

Associate Professor
As a teacher educator, Dr. Hu brings a rich and diverse background of teaching and staff development to her current work in literacy education. She has worked with college students in China as well as in the U.S., with students and teachers from pre-K through 12th grade in urban and suburban settings; and in inclusion, self-contained, and bilingual classrooms.
Dr. Hu’s career revolves around building communities of students and teachers who are passionate about literature and writing. While pursuing her doctoral degree, she began to work with teachers and children in the New York City schools through the Columbia University Teachers College Writing Project, creating networks and communities of reflective practitioners, using literature-based curriculum to establish richly literate communities among teachers and students, and implementing writing and literature projects. After earning an Ed.D. in English Education from Columbia University Teachers College, Dr. Hu began teaching fulltime at the university level.
- Ed.D. English Education, Columbia University Teachers College
- ED.M and M.A. English Education, Columbia University Teachers College
- EDLIT 733 – Theories & Process of Teaching Writing
- EDLIT 753 – Methods of Teaching Writing
- EDLIT 731/EDLIT 756 – Literacy Assessment
- EDLIT 742 – Literacy Practicum
- EDLIT 736 – Practicum in Literacy Assessment
- EDLIT 737 – Practicum in Literacy Intervention
- QSTA 401 – Developmental Reading
- CEDC 704 – Teaching Development Reading
Dr. Hu’s research interests revolve around her intellectual obsession of intersections: Asian immigrant students’ literacy learning, video-mediated mentoring in literacy teacher education, literacy instructional coaching in urban schools, arts-based inquiry and pedagogy in literacy teacher education, cross-cultural studies of literacy teachers’ beliefs in China and the U.S., etc.
- Hu, Y., & Dong, B. (2024). Similar foci, different lenses: Literacy education beliefs and practice of Chinese and U.S. Teachers. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 26 (1):27-53. https://doi.org/10.52214/cice.v26i1.12036
- Hu, Y. & Tuten, J. (2021). Shoulder to shoulder: Why stance matters in instructional coaching. International Journal of Educational Leadership. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2021.1972163
- Hu, Y. & Tuten, J. (2017/2018) Literacy teachers’ learning through a recursive coaching cycle. The Reading Professor, 40(2): 6-13.
- Hu, Y. & Tuten, J. (2015). Zooming in and out: Scaffolding the use of video for inquiry and reflection. In E. Ortlieb, L. Shanahan, & M. McVee (Eds). Video Reflection in Literacy Teacher Education and Development: Lessons from Research and Practice. Emerald Press. Pp. 105-123.
- Hu, Y. (2014). Four ways of looking at my learning: Encouraging and deepening reflective practice. MCNRC, Making Connections National Resource Center. http://hc.mcnrc.org/ref-practice-literacy/
- Hu, Y. (2014) A “wide-angled” ePortfolio initiative in Hunter College School of Education. MCNRC, Making Connections National Resource Center. http://hc.mcnrc.org/category/outcomes-assessment/
- Jensen, D. A. , Tuten, J. A., Hu. Y., & Eldridge, D. B. (2010). Teaching and learning in the (dis)comfort zone: A guide for new teachers and literacy coaches. (30% of book). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Connect to Learning: Mini-Grant to Develop the ePortfolio Initiative at Hunter College School of Education. Funded by FIPSE Program of U.S. Department of Education. $2,500 awarded. 2013-2014
- Connect to Learning: ePortfolio, Engagement, and Student Success Mini-Grant & Seminar Program. Funded by FIPSE Program of U.S. Department of Education. $7,500 awarded. 2010-2013