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Event Series Event Series: TESOL K-12 Program Orientation

TESOL K-12 Program Orientation

Wed, Dec 9 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm

Welcome to the graduate programs in the School of Education at Hunter College!

Each program hosts program specific orientations or individual advising sessions for newly accepted students.  

This online orientation session is for newly admitted Spring 2021 students who have been accepted into the TESOL K-12 program. This session will cover program requirements, course of study, progress standards and any fieldwork requirements.

Click the website link below to access the session on the scheduled date or to schedule an individual advising session.

Orientation 1 Link (Dec. 9, 2020)                                               https://huntercollege.zoom.us/j/83612966930?pwd=NlN6YnFwaFhsNkRyeTBXSURXRWZ0Zz09

Orientation 2 Link (Jan. 7, 2021)                                               https://huntercollege.zoom.us/j/82240366520?pwd=ZC9mM3pXVnJBRHUrdmJpUmY5VUVMUT09

Students are also encouraged to attend a separate New Graduate Student Orientation for an overview of the student experience at Hunter College.


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Kristen Hall