School of Education Equity Open Studios
Equity Open Studios is a new week-long event April 24th to 28th that showcases the equity, justice, and diversity work of School of Education students. This event is sponsored by the Equity and Advocacy Committee.
We invite you to drop into classes, review our student’s work and celebrate the accomplishments of our School of Education community. Visit the School of Education Equity Open Studios Event Series for a complete listing of events and to RSVP.
Asynchronous Studios
Teacher Identity Project – SPED 775 (Adolescent Special Education Student Teaching/Practicum) – Dr. Gina Riley
Review videos, and presentations from our students and professor exploring their teacher identity. Access the Teacher Identity Project here.
‘Who am I? Where do I come from? How did I get here?
“Who am I?” is an important question to ask ourselves as educators. Who am I? Where do I come from? How did I get here? All of these questions answer the larger question of “What makes me the teacher I am?”A sample lesson plan, which can be modified for grades 7 – 12 students (both special and general education) is available here.
Classroom Charters – JEDI and Restorative Justice – Professor Liz Klein
Classroom charters based on “I statements of our values, beliefs, ideals, and reflections on course content”. Access the Classroom Charters here.
In our SPED 702 Classroom Management in Inclusive Settings Advanced Certification DOE cohort, we created classroom charters. From our charters, we created Community and Culture Plans that define our vision for a safe, affirmative, and peaceful classroom. This showcase incorporates non-punitive, affirmative approaches, to discipline, collaborative solutions, and treating students with dignity. To best view this gallery, select ‘full screen’, and keep scrolling. To view PowerPoints, go to post and use tiny arrows within the frame to advance.
Glorious Gallery of Books – Professor Liz Klein
Original children’s books created by teacher candidates with equity-based themes. Access the Glorious Gallery of Books here.
In this ongoing project, we crosswalk the CASEL learning standards and NYS benchmarks for SEL to create original books. We also took this project through the writing process. Although this is our Reading course, it is connected to our Writing course. Reading, writing, listening, speaking, and SEL are built into all our projects, We work in groups, trust the process and help one another to feel confident using the tech.
Beautiful Collaborations – Professor Liz Klein
Access the Beautiful Collaborations here.
Reading SPED 781.00 – Cultural Diversity, SEL, ELA Unit Plans, and Other Work to Show Brilliance, Resilience, and Fortitude. District 75 Teaching Fellows Showcase – This is a cross-class project. Teacher candidates are in the same cohort but worked across sections in some instances. The Padlet projects were a final choice project featuring lesson plans, and book resource lists, among others.
Culturally Sustaining Practices in Bilingual Classrooms – Soarlyn Lopez, Doctoral Candidate
EdD student Soarlyn Lopez discusses culturally sustaining practices in bilingual classrooms and provides resources for educators. Watch the video here (9:30 min).
Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion: Professional Development Workshop for the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) – Christine M. Orbeta, Doctoral Candidate
EdD student Christine M. Orbeta presents a professional development workshop “Are We Student Ready? Working with First-Generation College Students” describing ways to support students, followed by discussion. Watch the video here (40 min).
Giving Students What I Needed: Enhancing Multilingual Learner Experiences in the Co-Taught Classroom – Emmeline Ortiz, Doctoral Candidate
EdD student Emmeline Ortiz discusses frameworks for supporting multilingual learners in co-teaching classrooms and a study proposal. Watch the video here (21 min).
Resisting Whitestreaming through Self-reflective Racial Literacy Development in TESOL Teacher Preparation – Dana Calvet, Doctoral Candidate
EdD student Dana Calvet discusses self-reflective racial literacy development in TESOL. Watch the video here (9 min).
Exploring the Conditions of Transformative Critical Reflective Practices of Mathematics Teachers – Kathleen Francis, Doctoral Candidate
EdD student Kathleen Francis discusses transformative critical reflective practices of mathematics teachers. Watch the video here (10 min).
Bi/Multilingual Adult Latine Learner’s Experiences and Perceptions of English-Only Policies in Hispanic Serving Institutions – Miluska Manrique, Doctoral Candidate
EdD student Miluska Manrique discusses adult multilingual Latine learners’ experiences with and perceptions of English-only policies in Hispanic-serving institutions. Watch the video here (12 min).