TESOL (Advanced Certificate) – Course Sequence and Program Tracker

  • Academic Plan: TESFESL-AC
  • Program 2

Students are required to complete 18 credits in this program. Students must consult with a faculty advisor in TESOL to determine their planned course of study before registering for classes. The following is a general guide to successful and timely completion of the program. The program may be completed in as few as three semesters if these guidelines are carefully followed and the student carefully plans their coursework with a faculty advisor. All courses listed here are requirements for graduation.

First Semester


These courses must be taken first:

  • EDESL 783 – Methodology of TESOL for K12 students (3 credits, includes 45 Fieldwork hours)
  • LING 703 – Analysis and Structure of English 1 (3 credits, includes 15 Fieldwork hours)


  • EDESL 732 – English literacy and language (3 credits, includes 15 fieldwork hours, online course)

These courses are prerequisites for student teaching. If you can only take one course per semester, take EDESL 783 first. If you wish to take more than two courses in your first semester, take:

  • BILED 701 – Foundations of Bilingual Education (3 credits, includes 5 fieldwork hours, may be taken online)

Additional Certification and Hunter Requirements

It is recommended to complete these in your first or second semester:

  • DASA Workshop (can be taken any time before graduation)
  • SPARC Sexual Harassment Training (Hunter requirement for all students)
  • First 12 credits (four classes): No grades of F, no more than one grade below B, overall GPA 3.0
  • Must pass Content Specialty Test (CST) – ESOL for certification (recommended after taking EDESL 783, LING 773, BILED 701)

Subsequent Semester(s) but Prior to Supervised Teaching


EDESL 783 and LING 703 are prerequisites.

  • EDESL 787 – K12 ESL Curriculum and Materials across the content areas (3 credits, includes 30 fieldwork hours)
  • LING 773 Instructed Second Language Acquisition (3 credits, includes 15 fieldwork hours, may be taken online)

Additional Requirements to be Completed Before Beginning Supervised Teaching

  • Satisfy Admissions Conditions, if any, prior to supervised teaching
  • Make up incomplete grades, if any, prior to supervised teaching
  • Apply for supervised teaching the semester before you plan to begin supervised teaching
  • Any of the above courses not yet taken
  • Apply for graduation from Hunter the semester before your planned graduation

Final Semester


  • EDESL 752 – Supervised Teaching 1 (3 credits, full-time Monday to Friday in schools)

Additional Requirements

  • Make up any incomplete grades
  • Check in with your School of Education Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) and faculty advisor
  • Apply for certification


  • BILED 701 and EDESL 787 are also normally offered in summer months
  • EDESL 787 is an online course which meets two Saturdays each semester. Other courses are offered in a traditional format unless otherwise noted.
  • Must achieve a grade of B or better in the following courses: EDESL 783, EDESL 787, EDESL 788.
  • Typically, EDESL 783, EDESL 732, and LING 773 are offered online in Fall, BILED 701 and EDESL 752 are offered online in Spring, and EDESL 787 is offered online every semester including summer.